Kat Manalac

Covid Co-Op - Brands here pledge to donate 5% or more to COVID–19 relief.

Order what you need from small businesses that pledge at least 5% of your purchase to COVID–19 emergency relief funds.
Launched in partnership with GiveDirectly.org's COVID–19 US relief fund, which gives 92-94% of donations directly to those in most need.

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Colin McIntosh
Hi all, My name is Colin McIntosh, and I'm founder & CEO of Sheets & Giggles (Techstars 2019), a DTC sustainable bedding brand in Denver. Hope everyone out there is doing well and staying healthy and happy during this challenging time. My team and I wanted to find ways to help with the COVID–19 crisis, leading S&G to donate 20% of all revenue for 30 days to COVID–19 relief funds. To multiply this effort, in the last few days a group of volunteers and I have built CovidCoop.com ("Covid Co-Op") in our spare time. It's a free, volunteer-run site that allows Americans to search by category for their online shopping needs, knowing that if they find a company there, some percentage of their order will be donated to emergency relief funds. I've seen many brands do this individually, like S&G, so I thought it could be powerful to bring everyone together. Here's a 2-min demo video: https://youtu.be/J9slRw58Hv8 As soon as we have enough companies to cover all categories, we'll add keyword and location-based search parameters, too. We're thrilled to officially partner with GiveDirectly.org's national COVID–19 relief fund on this volunteer effort (more info at https://www.givedirectly.org/cov...), though participating brands can donate to any organization they wish. Any online company can automatically join if they'd like to come together to achieve the below goals and take the below pledge (can input your info in 1 min at https://covidcoop.com/pledge ): Goals: 1) Financially support COVID–19 relief funds. (GiveDirectly or otherwise.) 2) Support small and online businesses facing reduced sales. 3) Allow Americans to donate while they shop online for goods and services. Participating companies pledge to: 1) Once a week, add up and donate 5% or more of your site's sales that originate from covidcoop.com. (Last-click attribution only; like a donated affiliate fee.) 2) Move to remote work if you haven't already, plus offer your team paid sick leave at least during this crisis. 3) Ensure your warehouse or 3PL partner is as safe an environment as possible for workers there. I also made a quick one-pager at bit.ly/cco1pager if you'd like to read more, and there are FAQs on covidcoop.com's homepage. To be clear: no fees, no data collected or monetized, pure volunteer effort – we're just trying to raise money for COVID–19 relief funds. For those at consumer brands (food, beverage, home fitness, health & medicine, home, clothing, home office, entertainment, etc.), I hope you consider pledging and sharing with other founders and CEOs! If you have any questions, please just ask and I'll try to reply asap. And of course, we absolutely understand that not all companies will have the bandwidth to join and donate any proceeds right now. In any case, all my best to those reading this, and if I can ever help you in any other way, please let me know. Take care, Colin
Fletcher Richman
This. is. awesome.
Vladimir Bertrand
Loving the initiative Colin! Shared with all the brands I know!
Jeremy Harkey
I love it! Awesome!