This is a great little app. It has a Mac version that syncs instantaneously with the iOS app. Copy on one device, paste in the other. Very nice. Also: has a flexible system to save your clips in folders/lists, notifications, a very handy share function and lots of other goodies.
@t55 my experience with apps such as this is that the sync between devices doesn't always seem to behave the way it should. As such, the inconsistency in these apps always ends up in me not using them after a while. Is this different?
@alexputici can't answer the 'always ends up' part yet, as the app has just been released, but since I started using Copied things are pretty much as they should be. Very reliable, extremely well implemented.
@alexputici Copied uses CloudKit to sync your lists and clippings. It is more reliable than previous methods used to sync content through iCloud. In case it does go out of sync between devices, there is a "resynchronize" button. It compares the local DB with the iCloud DB and uploads/downloads missing items.
Hi everyone. Thanks for checking out my app. Copied was originally conceived when Apple first announced iCloud for developers. Development was put on hold several times due to trouble getting iCloud Core Data to sync reliably, and limitations on both platforms like the lack of background APIs on iOS and sandboxing on OS X. Development resumed last year with the introduction of CloudKit and App Extensions.
The vision for this app from the beginning has always been to make copying and pasting across Mac and iOS as easy as possible. This is why I made sure that both iOS and OS X apps were ready before releasing them together. At the same time, both apps are perfectly capable and full featured clipboard managers on their respective platforms even if you don't use the sync features.
I'll be able happy to answer any questions and listen to any feature requests.
@kevinyc Here's to hoping that the Rules section will gain Hazel-like functionality, so clippings containing an emailadress will automatically be filed in the email-list, clips containing certain keywords will be filed in their own special folders and clips containing dates will not be saved at all. Plus the option to fave clips so they won't be deleted when the clip-history reaches the max.
@t55 Thanks. I like the idea of adding keyword matching and regex to rules and maybe implementing smart lists. This is something that can also be added to the iOS version as well. I'll add it to the to-do list.
I switched from Paste to Copied, and I couldn't be happier. The latest update works pretty well, and I'm fond of the syncing between devices. It works a lot more reliably than Universal Clipboard, and it's easy to use.
Awesome app... used it for years and it has a ton of features that I love, but lately it's become more of a hassle than it's worth. I sent feedback - no response, reviewed - no response, posted to the Twitter account - no response... Cannot say for sure, but judging from what I've seen so far, it appears that the dev has either stopped actively developing this app or placed it on hold for a very long time. Figured I would post, while looking for an alternative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Update (hope it helps someone):
The Costumemaster