Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Connector by - Outreach emails, perfected.

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Sujan Patel
Hey everyone, cofounder here. I wanted to share a quick note about Connector. I've been doing email outreach for years and have sent over 1 million emails for outbound sales, link building, content promotion, influencer marketing and more. I took everything I learned and put that into which launched last year. Over the last year we've learned even more from the thousands of users that have used our product. We took what we learned and made a new email outreach tool called Connector. Our approach is to start with the why (the reason you're doing email outreach in the first place) and provide the proper UX and proven templates to help our users get the best results. @colinmathews & I are looking for feedback and use cases so we can continue to make email outreach even better.
Vlad Stan
@sujanpatel @colinmathews great product. I was looking for something like this. Perfect timing for me. I have one quick question: If I give you a link to an article, can I get all the emails from people who commented or twitted about it?
Razvan Gavrilas
@sujanpatel @colinmathews congrats guys ;) I was wondering if this is working with any email address or only gmail?
Colin Mathews
@vladstan @sujanpatel Hi! Connector focuses on sending targeted emails, but our Marketer product does do scanning of urls and CSV files to help locate contact information. At the moment it doesn't find who shared/commented on the link you scan, but rather it finds anyone mentioned in that article or post.
Colin Mathews
@razvan_gavrilas @sujanpatel At the moment just Gmail and Google Apps.
John Jantsch
@sujanpatel @colinmathews really looks great - I plan to promote in my weekly favs post on Duct Tape Marketing
Alin Vlad
I've been using Content Marketer since its inception. Amazing tool, build by a great team.
Jason Quey
@wmharris101 @amvlad I say the same thing too. Even though I work for Sujan, I'm critical of what I still vouch for. And this is HUGELY valuable to me.
Tom Whatley
I've been using for over a month now, and these templates get great response rates. I like adding my own touches, but as a framework these work great. Nicely done both of you @sujanpatel & @colinmathews
Brian Dean
I've been a huge fan of content marketer since day 1. Already a very solid tool. This feature takes it to another level.
Sujan Patel
Thanks @backlinko
Nat Eliason
I got to beta test Connector and it's the best tool I've found for promo outreach. I was using before, or hacking together email scripts with Zapier, and this just makes it so much faster and easier. Quickly becoming part of the daily promo routine.
Ambi Moorthy
@sujanpatel, can't wait to check this out! is a platform that is off the charts. Looks like 'Connector' is going to make it more awesome. Keep rocking :)
Benjamin Beck
This looks awesome! Thanks Sujan & Colin for helping to make my life easier!
Crystal Richard
This is so awesome! :)
Donté Ledbetter
Awesome tool! Definitely useful for any influencer marketing strategy. How many variations of templates are there?
Sujan Patel
@donte_ll there are a 100 or so templates. We're adding more adding more as we validate them.
Rob Williger
I just started looking at solutions like this the other day. I will be signing up now and giving this a try.
Eti Suruzon
Looks fantastic, and the free templates are super helpful. Can't wait to try it!
Aaron Hanson
You guys can't be stopped!
Gold :)
Renée Warren
This is fantastic Sujan! My team is checking it out this month.
Dre Durr💡
Awesome job @sujanpatel ...Big fan of what you have going at How does connector compare to the many similar gmail plugins?
Colin Mathews
@dredurr @sujanpatel Thanks! Connector focuses on helping you through specific use cases with targeted templates and making the experience beautiful and easy to understand.
Jeffrey Wyman
Looks interesting, credit card is required?
Colin Mathews
@jeffrey_wyman A credit card isn't required for Connector to use the free features. Maybe you're looking at our Marketer product which does require a CC on signup?
Muhammad Saad Khan
That is so amazing. Can we compare it to BuzzStream? I will recommend it to my team.
Mark Schenkel
Why the 500 recipient limit on the pro plan?
Colin Mathews
@markschenkel1 Sorry if that's confusing. It's 500 recipients per campaign, not per month. I'm going to make that more clear. The 500 limit is mainly because the product is new and we want to make sure it handles big recipient lists before bumping it up.
Mohit Tater
Just what I was looking for! Great work @sujanpatel @colinmathews