Ben McRedmond

Consider - An email client designed to keep you calm and focused

Top Product

What's the role of email in today's world? Our answer: an email that leans into being asynchronous, that helps you focus on what's being said, and that embraces the myriad ways email is used.

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Ben McRedmond
Top Product
Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Ben. CEO at Consider. We started Consider because we're fans of email. We like that email doesn’t interrupt you. And that subject lines keep threads focused. And we love that anyone can email anyone else. But email has its problems, problems that we are all too familiar with. So we set out to build an email for today's world. What's different about today's world? Most importantly, email is no longer responsible for both real-time communication and slower, asynchronous communication. Slack has taken responsibility for the former. Which means we can finally focus email on what it's great at. And that's what Consider does. You shouldn't be checking your email a hundred times a day, so we invented Digests. With Digests, your less-important mails get added to the inbox three times a day in batches. It doesn't make sense for your phone to be lighting up all day, so we created Precise Notifications. Your inbox *is* a to-do list, we embrace that and let your own to-dos live alongside everything else. The result is an email client that is calmer, less noisy, and that lets you focus on getting your work done. This is just the start for us. We hope you'll check it out and join us on this journey. – Ben
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@benmcredmond Love your team's approach to email! Signed up for early access.
Mike Ritchie
@benmcredmond @_shahedk Also signed up. I'm currently in the Superhuman beta and would love to compare the two. Congrats on the launch and good luck!
Simon Keating.

Been beta testing for more than 6 months. The digests feature has saved me from myself - got into a really bad habit of checking email every few minutes with other clients (I'm sure others out there know that struggle!)


Love the segmented inbox so you can drown out the noise and focus on engaging async with your team.


Small bugs every now and then for a new product, but they're quick to resolve.

Colin Bentley

Been beta testing it for about 3 months now


Love the digests. No unread state is amazing, Product evolving fast!! Haven't looked back.


Some of the conversation threading a little repetitive, but much easier to grok when they're separate threads.

Josh Thompson
I pretty much love anything that validates how long email has been around, and how long it's gonna stay around. Thanks for building a good thing for email, y'all!
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
Nelson Joyce
Congrats on the launch @benmcredmond and team! Love the digests concept. What's been the most surprising assumption you were wrong about in creating the product so far? p.s. Happy Birthday!
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
@nelsonjoyce Thank you! Not quite an assumption but we thought it would be cool if we sorted your inbox oldest first. Make it a bit calmer. Push you to not procrastinate. ... But it was terrible. :-) Just made you scroll to the bottom a lot. And then we came up with Digests!
Kyle Hinze

I've been on the hunt for an email client that actually works the way I want to use email and I think I've finally found it!


It makes my inbox so much easier to use. I get less distracted by emails that aren't time sensitive.


None. It's super easy to use.

This looks like an incredible email client @benmcredmond and co! I've been in the beta of Superhuman for over a year now, and it's fascinating and validating to see such beautiful attention being given to email clients, their pain points, and innovating news ways to achieve flow. Excited to see where you guys take this!
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
@jdsimcoe Thank you!
@benmcredmond You bet! Seriously I can't get over the ways you are pushing against the trend of constantly being connected to email with Digests. It's a bold move. I'm curious does it take people a while to adjust to email on a set schedule?
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
@jdsimcoe yep definitely. we've found it takes a few days to a week to adjust.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
14$/month to read email..
@lyondhur I won't make judgement before using it but on the face of it, yes, $14/month strictly for an email client is high especially considering that this is geared for businesses where Microsoft is charging roughly $100/year ($8/month) for Office 365 Business that comes with Outlook and the latest Outlook keeps getting better and more user friendly. Sure, I am sure this has it beat from a visual or UI perspective, it looks nicer I'll give them that but value wise it would be hard to justify the productivity value to an employee using this at a higher premium versus getting full on Office 365 Suite of software for much less a month/year.
I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak at the product by @benmcredmond . The product is beautiful and the team has put a ton of hard work into solving the hard problems of email. The UI is impeccable and super snappy. I'm excited for the product and happy that someone is thinking mindfully about our current communication overload ( Solving it with Digests etc) Congratulation on the launch Consider team.
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
Thanks @benarent
Eoghan McCabe
Very excited to see this hit the market. The depth of thinking behind it is astonishing and inspiring and will lead to great things.
Max Tiu

I've been using Consider for a few months as my primary email client and love it.


It keeps different kinds of work inside the inbox, so I'm more organized with more peace of mind to a space that is historically hectic.


Like any new software, there are still a few kinks to work out, but the team is responsive and committed to a good experience.

Xavier Coiffic
Waiting for the request invite to be accepted to check this out 🤤
Luke Jefferson
Looks superb! Excited to try it out
Stan Massueras
The 2 inboxes is super smart!
Jarred Sumner
congrats on shipping!!
Shawn Petersen
@benmcredmond Congrats to you, Steven and the whole Consider team!
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
@shawnwpetersen Thanks for all your and Nelson Cash's help Shawn!
Burak Aslan
Congrats on the launch 🙌🏻🔥
Ben McRedmond
Top Product
@deadlocked_d Thank you!
I am sure (at least I hope) you have a very good reason for not considering an Android release at launch, focusing on iOS and the Web but I, like many people (many more than there are iPhone users) do not currently use an iPhone or will be using one going forward and I hope you can sympathize with the fact to us (Android users), when a new company such as yourselves comes out with a product, of course touting that it's the best thing since sliced bread (I completely understand why a developer has to tout it this way), and doesn't release an Android version, for me that's sort of a slap in the face. I would completely understand if Android wasn't the world dominating mobile OS that it is but that's not the case. Apart from that, it's a bad business decision since you're excluding potentially a big subset of users that won't even consider your product.
Denys Zhadanov
Congrats guys! Great to see more people joining the space and educating people that meaningful work w/o interruptions matters.
Jeff Gardner

Been using Consider for ~3-4 months


Digests are great. Branching threads with different recipients is AMAZING.


It's still missing a few things that you'd expect from a next-gen email client.