I see the FAQ and I have a question:
1) How the tool updates will occurs? One license if a forever license or it's a license per (major) version?
Unrelated to this, congrats for the product, I'm searching for something like that!
@adriano_cahete thanks for reaching out Adriano! It’s a forever license and right now the core is decoupled from your theme and content, so an upgrade will be as straightforward as swapping out the core. In the future we plan to simplify this process even further using a CLI.
How do you out-perform Docusaurus open sourced by facebook? Their theme is meh but has full functionality: versions, i18n, SEO, doc search with Algolia, and future maintenance.
@chenxi_zhang I think Docusaurus is a great option for those looking for an open source solution that they want to tinker with and expand on their own. Codex is designed to provide a solid experience out of the box, customizable without the need to know React or any other front-end technology. While it doesn't have all the features I'd like just yet, we have a clear roadmap of where we'd like to go. Codex is also built on Gatsby, which is a solid platform in it's own right, built in GraphQL, an expanding ecosystem of plugins and soon an extensive theming system. I think Codex will be a good option for those who aren't necessarily front-end developers, but still want a self-hosted, customizable solution. Thanks for the feedback!