Fazle Rahman

CodePen Projects - A web based IDE for building websites by CodePen

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Chris Coyier
Howdy y'all! Some other relevant links here are... Explainer page: http://codepen.io/pro/projects/ Blog post: https://blog.codepen.io/2017/03/... Documentation: https://blog.codepen.io/document... If anyone has any questions or comments, I'm all ears.
Doug Leonard
Wanted to sign my wife up, but even the low tier is too steep. ☹️
Chris Coyier
@dleonard00 C'mon I bet she's worth it. :)
Peter Nowell
Congratulations @chriscoyier and team! This is a huge value-add to CodePen, especially for taking a "my lil' experiment" pen to a more finished and integrated point in a project.
seán pjpgr doran
Saw a preview of this late last year and pumped to see it be released to the public. Super awesome evolution.
Donté Ledbetter
I love CodePen. This is a great feature!
I like it a lot! Well done!
Jon Munson
So much yes!!!
Bryan Goldberg
For the Super Plan, is 20 deployed projects the max?
Love this - I usually end up here when I can't solve something. Thank you so much for that!
Arthur Schmitt
Very cool!
Very slick! Great work @twholman !
Nick Nish
Wow, this is sick!
Mike Way
Good product from an awesome organization.
David Dias
@chriscoyier @twholman That is an awesome step forward! You continue to surprise us with that kind of new feature, I can't imagine what you'll bring to us in the future! Thanks a lot!