Ryan Hoover

CodePen Patterns - A collection of design patterns & code for your project

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Ryan Hoover
There are several resources that provide design patterns and inspiration designers and developers, but what's rad about CodePen is that they provide a fully functional version with it source code. Here are a few more useful resources to check out: - Pttrn - iPhone and iPad user interface patterns - Pattern Tap - Design Patterns from Zurb - Subtle Patterns - Free textures for your next web project - Mobile Patterns - UI examples for common Mobile features/interactions - Good UI - Collection of clever UX patterns & ideas - Responsive Email - A collection of patterns & modules for responsive emails - The Pattern Library - Free to use patterns by awesome designers
Samuel Beek
@rrhoover Very nice product. It's design is very good. For iOS there's this thing called cocoacontrols.com, which also shows you functional beautiful things, but it's design is nothing compared to this and it's focused only on iOS.
Clark Wimberly
Been a paid user on Codepen for a while— the service totally, totally worths.
alex vazquez
Alex from CodePen here. Thanks for the sweet up votes. We created these custom Pen Collections from the awesome Pens on CodePen, but you can create your own custom collections. Would love to see what you make. We're always happy to hear what else you'd like to see CodePen do.
Matthew Smith
Ahh Pattern Tap :D