Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Code The Web Weekly - A weekly email full of resources to learn web development!

Code The Web Weekly is an email newsletter, where I send you a bunch of high-quality tutorials to help you learn web development!

Made by a self-taught web developer and human šŸ’–

I'll only send you an email once a week, and won't flood your inbox! šŸ˜…šŸ™

Here are the past issues:

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4 coming soon, so enter your email!

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Hey Product Hunters / Huntresses / Hackers of all sorts! šŸ‘ŠšŸ‘‹ First of all, a massive thanks to @bramk for hunting Code The Web Weekly! šŸ˜» This is my first time launching on PH, so everyone be nice šŸ˜… I'll be around answering your questions all day! I'm a real human who values constructive feedback, and also loves helping people! Feel free to send me an email at or on the chat widget if you need any help with web development! Seriously, send me over that CodePen link and I'll help fix your CSS positioning šŸ˜‰ I'm actually pulling an all-nighter for this, I woke up at 6pm AEST and will be on until ~6am! Because timezones, yay. Here's a bit about me, Code The Web, and my story šŸ”„ šŸ˜Ž About me I'm Ethan from Sydney, Australia. I've been coding for three years now, and have been completely self-taught. I created Code The Web as a way to give back for all the free content that helped me learn web development! šŸ¤” What is Code The Web Weekly? It's simply a weekly email with a bunch of web development tutorials I've rounded up from around the web. See an example email on the website! šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» What's Code The Web? You may be wondering... Code The Web Weekly is a newsletter that I created as part of Code The Web ( Code The Web is my blog where I write 100% free web development tutorials for beginners! I will launch that separately on PH in a few months, but I figured that Code The Web Weekly would be a good sub-project to test the waters with! Follow me (@booligoosh) to get notified when it happens :D šŸ“– The story of Code The Web I purchased the domain name on September 28th 2017. I had decided to start a web development blog, as a way to give back to the community and as a fun project to work on. When brainstorming topics for the blog, I decided on beginner web development tutorials. This is because I was frustrated that a lot of the content out there was really hard for beginners and assumed a lot of knowledge. Also, many tutorials used confusing jargon in an attempt to sound smart, confusing beginners even more! So, I decided to write no-BS, beginner-friendly tutorials on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've been doing that to this day! I originally just set up an email list where I'd send everyone my new posts as they came out. However, I realised that it wasn't providing any additional value! So it slowly morphed into what it is now, a weekly email of the best tutorials from around the internet. šŸ’° How does Code The Web and Code The Web Weekly make money? You may be wondering how Code The Web makes any money? To be honest, it doesn't. I believe in providing all my tutorials free & open for everyone, and value helping people and real relationships over trying to sell people stuff. The only way that I earn money from Code The Web is via donations. I'd really appreciate it if you'd buy me a few coffee's for my work, it helps keep this sustainable šŸ™‚ šŸ’¬ Testimonials or it didn't happen! I've received a lot of nice feedback about Code The Web: (this isn't even about the email list anymore, but whatever šŸ˜‚) "Thanks for putting in the time to create something useful. Content creators are what makes this society better, especially when they share the fruit of their labour for free." "I had a really hard time understanding and wrapping my head around it all. I understood somewhat. But not confidently enough until I came across your explanations. Thanks to you, I feel like I finally understand it and the concepts aren't as foreign as I once thought. I'm now encouraged that I can stick it out and grasp more concepts along the way!" "I hope that you can continue to create amazing, easy to understand content for a very long time" šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€šŸ–– I'm a real human! Feel free to chat with me via email, through the chat widget on my website or on Product Hunt! Thanks everyone :D I'm assuming that if you've read this far you've already upvoted, but if you haven't then go... Oops, I meant *definitely don't go upvote this* šŸ˜ šŸ˜» Feedback! I'd really appreciate feedback on anything! How I handled this launch, the example email, my landing page, my blog posts, WHATEVER! Both positive and critical feedback is appreciated, as long as it's constructive šŸ˜œ See you round! I'll be in the comments answering all your questions šŸ™ƒ
@bramk @codetheweb @booligoosh I love the mission, tech is for everyone and should be more accessible and inclusive. Awesome stuff! You could probably go into events to generate revenue, like run real life workshops for a fee, partner with brands to put on hackathons, even start branching into recruitment and charge companies to post jobs in your newsletter etc. Just some food for thought šŸ¤‘
@bramk @codetheweb @abadesi Thanks so much Abadesi! Thanks for your advice, I've definitely been looking into 'sponsorships' (but not ads, I hate ads). Real-life hackathons etc. seem a long way away, but maybe someday! I might start with some online contests of some sort...
Joshua Moses

It is a great service for anyone who wants to learn Web Development


CodeTheWeb is fun, informative and just a great way to get into web development


He isn't a cat

Johnny Boufarhat

I have a friend that had never programmed before so I pointed him to a few resources Code The Web included and he got great benefit from it.


Great resource for new programmers



Ruby Hurwitz

Code The Web has helped me very often when I am coding and is my go-to website when I don't know how to do something (regarding coding). Help is usually available and happy to help in the chat bar.


This website is really amazing. It's easy to follow. The tutorials are in depth and are made for people of all skill levels.


I wish there was more because it is so awesome!