Andreas Storm

Clock.saver - A simple clock screensaver based on Braun watches ⌚

Just a little Mac screensaver inspired by the Braun watches. You pick a model and style.

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Sam Soffes
I made this 4 years ago, but cool to see Product Hunt folks are into it :) I have some more screensavers I made at as well as some ones I didn't make that I think are awesome.
Sam Soffes
@seth_weisfeld it does! Just restart System Preferences. It’s a bug with screensavers written in Swift. I reported to Apple 4 years ago 😞
Love it @soffes! What are you hacking on next 👀
Marina  Uz
Good screensaver, I like
Tim Raiswell
Great looking MacOS screensaver!
Наталия Нестерова
All ingenious is simple. I'll try to install myself a screensaver. I'm used to looking at the clock in the dials.