Export your Kindle highlights
Helen Crozier
Clippings — Organize the notes you make on your Kindle
Helen Crozier
So impressed with this product. Finally my research highlights are liberated from the kindle and nicely stored in Evernote. Manual import is possible by connecting kindle to computer and bringing in text file but I chose to subscribe to the chrome extension which costs $2.99/month (a steal as far as I am concerned) which is a more automatic process. Chose to send each highlight as a separate note - the export process creates an Evernote notebook for each book. Lots more great features on web interface eg tagging, extra notes per book, adding to highlights/notes etc. Have wanted something like this ever since I owned my first kindle - up until now have only been able to cut and paste from the kindle highlights page which was pretty primitive in my opinion. ps I'm thinking I should have named this ?? If so could PH please change on my behalf? Thanks @rrhoover
Pieter Walraven
@helencrozier Such a simple yet powerful product! Will indeed be interesting to see how the Kindle guys will deal with this :)
Helen Crozier
@pieterpaul yes I'm so afraid there will be some licence/copyright issues but hope they will have investigated all that. It used to frustrate me that because I am outside the USA I was unable to 'copy' highlighted kindle text from the mac app elsewhere - a US specific feature that not even kindle amazon support staff could help with!
Lynne d Johnson
I really don't understand why Amazon doesn't just buy these guys and incorporate their tech into their Kindle Notes and Highlights. Sure they updated Highlights and Notes to have a better UI but what does in terms of being able to easily export to Evernote and to add new notes and send them back to your Kindle as well as the inclusion of tagging. It's now $1.99/month and well worth it. I though with the new Kindle Highlights and Notes I would no longer need this, but Amazon is just presenting your highlights and notes to you. is making them usable and useful.