
Clean Text for iOS - An essential tool for removing text formatting on iOS 📱👌


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If you ever need a tool to clean up your text look no further than Clean Text. It was already a serious tool for the Mac, now it debuts on iOS.
Stephen Voisey
Un essential tool, should read 'An essential tool' in your opening heading! Good luck on PH today.
Niv Dror
This is awesome. Much needed.
Jad Chaar
Instant buy for me. Always running into text formatting issues.
Joshua Dance
Nice! Often I would copy and paste the text into a Safari URL, then copy it out again. This solved that issue.
Brad Tidwell
If anyone is looking for a clean text tool for the PC, I highly recommend PureText - it's one of the first tools I install on every computer.
@bradtid Perhaps I'm uninformed but does this do anything better than Notepad++ or Notepad itself?
Brad Tidwell
@tsudo It literally lets you copy rich text, use a custom keyboard shortcut of your choosing (I use Ctrl + Space as it's right below Ctrl + V) and paste as source text without having to copy the text, paste it into Notepad, re-copy the text, and then paste into whatever app you need. It just removes formatting from already-copied text.