Dhawal Shah

Free Web Development Bootcamp - Free, online, and open to all — over 5,500 enrollments


Class Central is launching a web dev bootcamp — free, online, and open to all. It’ll be structured around freeCodeCamp’s web development certification. And it’ll include weekly live streams with technologist Jessica Rose. We’re starting on August 23.

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Dhawal Shah
Hello All! Class Central is running a free bootcamp built around freeCodeCamp's web development curriculum. It is starting next week on Monday and we have over 5,500 learners enrolled. @jesslynnrose will be running two weekly live sessions in two different timezones. Each week we will also have an additional stream from guest speaker. For our first week the guest speaker will be Barbara Oakley along with senior software engineer Zach Caceres. Barbara Oakley is the one most popular instructors on Coursera with close to 4 million learners. The title of the talk is "How to Make Best Use of the Most Important Tool in a Software Developer’s Toolkit: Your Brain" This is an experiment we are running at Class Central where we are building a cohort and community around free courses.