Dhawal Shah

Class Central - Make informed online learning decisions


Through Class Central, you can find courses; review courses you’ve taken (and read other people’s reviews); follow universities, subjects and courses to receive personalized updates; and also plan and track your learning.

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Dhawal Shah
Hello Product Hunt! I am the founder and CEO of Class Central. Our goal is to make online education work for everyone. More than 20 million learners have used Class Central to decide which online course to take. We are built by learners for learners. Between us, we have done almost 300 online courses and 3 online degrees (including one self-directed degree equivalent). We aggregate courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. We focus primarily on free (or free to audit) courses from universities, offered through massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. We are also in the business of educating people about education. In addition to our course listings, we also keep tabs on the overall state of MOOCs and online learning. Our MOOCReport (https://www.classcentral.com/rep...) publication features analysis and reporting that looks across the landscape of online learning. We are building an ecosystem to help guide learners towards their educational goals. Cheers! Dhawal Shah