Ceeya Booking - The most beautiful booking page you will ever see around

Ceeya Booking is the most beautiful booking page in the market. Branding your booking page improves your conversion rate up to 300%. It also has everything you'd expect in a state-of-the-art booking tool. Brand your page and grow your business.

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Kisang Pak
Hi there! We noticed many people were using Ceeya to stylize their calendar booking pages and increase conversions. So we quickly put together a new Ceeya module focused on building calendar booking pages. The benefits are: - Increase booking conversions by up to 300% - No need to have your website (or link-in-bio) to introduce yourself and a separate calendar booking page. You can build your personal brand AND calendar booking all-in-one thru Ceeya - It just looks much much better. Let me know what you think! Thank you!
I love Ceeya booking page. It is beautiful and functional! Congratulations on your launch.
Ahmad Ali
Great idea! Congrats on the launch