Chris Messina

Job Tracker by Teal - Track and organize your entire job search in one place.

Top Hunter

Teal’s Job Tracker is the most efficient & fun way to manage a job search. Easily save jobs from sites like LinkedIn and Indeed with our Chrome Extension, track your progress, and use the keyword analyzer to get your resume to the top of the pile. It’s free!

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Dave Fano
Hey everyone! Dave here, founder of Teal. Thanks to Chris Messina for hunting us! I’m excited to share what we’ve been building over the last few months and explain a little bit about how we got here. 📌 The backstory - If you follow recommended best practices to land a job you love, you’re applying to 20-40 jobs a week! Most of the tools out there to manage this process are built for companies and not individuals. We want to level the playing field. After helping over 2,000 people grow their careers, we saw a lot of recurring problems. So, we built a tool to solve these problems. Say hello to the Teal Job Tracker. 🔎 Make job searching easier - Everyone has to do it at some point, but no one enjoys it. The Teal Job Tracker will help ease the burden of hunting by saving you hours of time. It will keep you organized, on track, and motivated to continue taking steps forward every single day. 📥 Save roles from all the job boards to one place - Hopping between LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor can be exhausting, and it’s easy to get mixed up. Our Chrome extension allows you to instantly save jobs from all of the major job boards straight into your Teal account. It pulls in all of the job information automatically. 🥊 Beat the gate-keeping algorithms - Applying to jobs in the digital age requires a new set of tools. When you save a position in the Job Tracker, it intelligently analyzes the job description and highlights the keywords/skills you should consider adding to your resume to make it to the top of the pile. 🗂 Stay organized with a CRM for your search - After saving a job, you can keep all of your notes, contact information, and activity linked directly to that position. Stop missing out on opportunities by setting follow-up dates for each job you apply to. Lastly, track and visualize your progress through each of the stages of the pipeline. 🆓 Use it for free starting today - The best part of all? You can now use the Job Tracker for free. Sign up on our website! We’re excited for this first big public launch, and we hope that this tool will empower you to grow your career. Know someone in your network who is trying to manage a job search? Share it with them! We’ve also got a thriving and supportive community of people dedicated to growing their careers. Join us today.
Gil Akos
@davidfano Congratulations! It's been so cool to see this come to life, and what an impactful product!!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
If you're searching for a job, it can be a real PITA to organize all the jobs you've seen/are applying to/have some interest in. Each site might have its own bookmarking feature, but what about cross-site searches? That's where Teal's tool comes in — and it's so obvious, it's like, how did this not exist before? But now it does, and I think it's definitely worth checking out — to both streamline AND bring structure to your job search!
Dave Fano
@chrismessina Thanks so much for hunting us Chris!
Tom Osman
This looks like it's going to be super useful especially at a time like this. The CRM looks really clean and love the fact you have a simple capture solution in the Chrome Extension.
Dave Fano
@tomcosman Thanks so much Tom!! Wait till we meet up and I show you how all the user management is handled with @bubble_group
Tom Osman
@tomcosman @bubble_group @davidfano Look forward to seeing it Dave!!!!
John McKoll
I almost fell out of my chair when Dave first showed me this tool. A proper job search requires effort and organization; this tool helps the searcher on both of those fronts in a smooth interface. A+
Dave Fano
@johnmckoll You were one of the first users! :) Thanks for all the feedback!
Sara Walker-Santana
Congrats on launching the job tracker into the wild! Teal HQ has been helping so many people land jobs in the last 8 months they really have a birds-eye view on how to make the whole process more efficient. Excited for job searchers to get this super helpful tool and to see how it evolves.
Dave Fano
@sara_walker_santana Thanks so much Sara!! As one of our earliest supporters you've been there every step of the way! Thank you!!!
Mondrian Hsieh
This is so right. It's time that technology get's built for the people building careers, and follows them across their jobs. Amazing work by an amazing team! Their drive and mission are unmatched. Go Go Go!
Dave Fano
@mondrian Mondi! We wouldn't be here without you. You were a big part of the inspiration AND you did so much of the work to get this live. Thank you!!!
Amanda Goetz
Job searching is stressful but this makes it so much easier and effective!!!!
Dave Fano
David Bauer
That looks really impressive, congrats!
Dave Fano
@davidbauer Thanks David! It's been a lot of fun to build and see it help so many people! Thank you!
Alex Breen
This is an awesome product. I can think back to job searches where I have had to use a messy excel file or Trello board to manage all of my applications and companies interviewing. I frequently had a hard time keeping details on each job listing. Will definitely be using Teal in my next job hunt. Any thoughts on adding a resume builder tool? I seen a lot of tools that leverage AI to review a resume and compare it to keywords similar to this, but then also make recommendations on what to change about your resume.
Dave Fano
@alexbreen Hey Alex! It's in the works! Alpha version is here it's in our roadmap to get them working together.
Alex Breen
@alexbreen @davidfano Exactly what I was looking for. Will be using in my next job search.
Sophie Lefebvre
Talk about a tool design with the job seeker in mind! Not only is the job tracker intuitive, but it also empowers you in finding a job you love (the philosophy of Teal HQ)! From rating the excitement level to my all-time favorite feature, the keywords extractor, including hard and soft skills to customize your resume, Teal HQ has built a tracker for the job seeker! Thank you, and congratulations!
Dave Fano
@sophie_lefebvre Thank you Sophie!!! Members like you make the platform as special as it is! Thank you!!!
Ashley Gange
Such a simple and clean approach to simplifying the job search process! Feels like this needed to exist years ago!!
Dave Fano
@ashley_gange Thank you!!
Steven Rosenblatt
Love this! Finally a product that thinks about the job seeker, that cares about your career, and will help you find the right match vs just finding a job. So important as it flips the power to the job seeker not the employer.
Dave Fano
@steven_rosenblatt1 Thank you Steven! We're lucky to have you and the team at on our side!
Mark Sullivan
This team knows its stuff and has put together an amazing all-in-one product. Proves that searching for a job you love doesn't have to be a process you hate!
Dave Fano
@markenroute Thanks Mark!!
David Rostan
I’m a huge fan of Teal content and this new tool looks amazing!
Dave Fano
@davidrostan Thank you David!!
Eric Sinclair
The Job Tracker is a great every-day tool for the job hunter and career navigator. Easy to import elements into, and good flagging of ideas based on what's saved. I'd built a basic tracker in SharePoint for myself, but this steps well beyond what most individuals can do on their own (e.g. a Chrome plugin for easy saving). Great stuff, and eager to see how it evolves.
Dave Fano
@esinclai Thanks Eric!! Great minds think alike :)
Joshua Rahn
Putting Tech in the job seekers hands....amazing job Dave. Crushing it.
Dave Fano
@joshua_rahn You are the wind in our sails Josh :)
janet yen
Love this product and also everything Teal is doing. So empowering and makes job searching about you finding your dream role, not an emotional drag. It's also 1,000x better to be going through it with others and a super supportive community.
Dave Fano
@planetjy Thanks Janet!! All you're feedback has been SO helpful!
Keith Lynn
This is solid. Nice work. Will help a lot of people. While this tool is for applicants, it reminds me of the pain of hiring at my old company. We were in the midst integrating Lever so had no applicant tracking available to the hiring managers. Resorted to creating multiple Airport themed folders in Kanban style in Google Drive to keep track of what stage various candidates were at. Not sure why I didn't use something other than Drive... think it was to do with ease of shifting incoming CVs to the Drive from Gmail. As for Airport themed, I mean check-in, security, boarding, take-off, landings, layover(s) and border control all mapped to the various stages :D Haha, it actually worked pretty well and was a bit of fun. Anyway, great to see candidates lives are being made easier. Great value prop all round.
Dave Fano
@lynnastyie Thanks Keith!!! That's the goal!!
Howard Greenstein
Not currently looking for a job, but Dave Fano knows product design and I see the incredible value he’s tapping into here.
Dave Fano
@howardgr Thanks Howard!! You've been there since app 1 :)
Rhythm Bhatnagar
Omg! Can't believe this is just the alpha version. Notion templates become increasingly crowded with links. Definitely recommending it! Also, THIS is the place Amanda joined! Stoked to see such a power team coming together to solve this problem. A dynamic resume builder for EACH of those jobs would be really helpful. Would be pretty much plug and play after setting it up once. Congrats on the launch again ⚡️
Dave Fano
@rhythm_bhatnagar That is in the works! Thanks so much!