Join the conversation with other people by pointing your camera at the world around you. Capture suggests group chats and topics that really matter to you, whether they are based on a shared interest, a common location or similar surroundings.
Cool to see this live. I played with the beta and see how this might be a bridge toward a wearable social network in the future.
Side note: A few of the folks on this team built Prisma, was one of the most popular apps on Product Hunt a few years ago, exceeding 6K upvotes.
Hmm... ambitious! From the makers of Prisma, with some hefty investors: General Catalyst, KPCB, Mail.Ru, Social Capital, Dream Machine, Floodgate and elefund!
Absolutely love the idea behind community search with camera, it is really insightful and novel! Found my old iPhone just to test it, but still waiting for Android version
- Chat- and channel- focused, a lot like Telegram
- All chats are open, so I can stick reading through conversations between other users
- Simple chat creation & invitation
- Amazing GIFs
- Camera discovery has to be improved, because I tried capturing a lot of things, but that didn't always work
- Low number of people in chats leads to little value, as I'm too lazy to start a chat and invite new people to them. But I believe that will be fixed soon :)
- No DM to connect with people I see in chats :( And there are no one in selfie chats
Good luck with capturing the world, and keep up the great work!
Congrats! This looks like a cool app! However I probably won't use it as the core functionality is pretty similar to other chat/group apps (i.e.Facebook Groups). The biggest difference here seems to be taking a pic instead of typing a group name in the search bar, which is a clever hack but not sure if it's enough to differentiate yourself from already existing social group platforms.
Product Hunt