I really like the product, I saw that a lot from data could possibly come from LinkedIn (e.g. bio, studies, etc). Do they have any APi to pull that data in?
@michele_patrassi what do you think happened after Microsoft acquired them? close down all the APIs. let's observe how long will it take them to destroy github, I've already switched to Gitlab.
Hello, there fellow product lovers! Here I present to you my latest project: Byte Vitae, a very easy to use resume generator for developers.
Now and then I had to go through the dreaded process of updating, re-designing and getting up to shape my resume. And being the only designer among my dev friends, that means updating theirs too! 😩
It is a big pain (especially for me!). Many of us have up to date open source profiles, but not all have access to a professional designer to present that information. So I decided to put it a remedy once and for all, and give everyone that opportunity.
We needed a fast and easy way to create and maintain our resumes, and of course, one that looked amazing! No tinkering with settings or aligning boxes around (enough Photoshop hours with that!), one click and go.
And that's what I present you here. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I did building it! 🖤🤟🏻
@lachlankirkwood I wanted to focus first on developers since it's a niche I have morea access to. But definetly it Is something I was considering. Which featues or do you think will make it useful for digital marketers?
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