Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Bynd - One app. All your favorite feeds!

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Ömer Akyürek
Hello everybody and thanks for the hunt Bram! We're thrilled to introduce Bynd to the world. Our App is a productivity tool, which bundles all your favorite feeds into one central hub. Our longterm goal is to fight against the daily information overload and provide you the most efficient way of consuming relevant content! With version 2.0. you can bundle Designer News, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Hacker News, YouTube and up to 60 different News channels such as BBC and New York Times! I’ll be doing a Q&A throughout the day :). Happy to answer all of your questions!
Ben Tossell
Looks vaguely similar to one of the first apps I downloaded (I think) from PH, 2 years ago Called Dull - you essentially say what services you want collated into the one feed. How does Bynd compare?
Ömer Akyürek
@bentossell good question! First of all we don't display ads. In addition to that, in the app itself only YOU choose which person or site to follow. The aspect of human-curated feeds is really important for us. After you've done that, Bynd display everything unfiltered. Dull is great, but more of a game. Bynd is a tool and the main goal is time-saving.
Evan Kimbrell
@bentossell Also reminds me of Panda (usepanda). You select all your feeds and it has a customizable viewer to going through them
Ömer Akyürek
@evankimbrell Panda is such a great service. Bynd is different though as we are focused on mobile first and not soley on news. For instance, you can crossplatform share news with your Bynd friends.
Parker Thompson
I'm not too sure about this. Development teams and designers build their applications to be viewed and used in the best way possible. I feel like this takes much of the work out of what they've done.
Ömer Akyürek
@boymeetscode Hey Parker. I unterstand your concerns, but some teams/companies built their applications and UI to serve you ads or keep you as long as possible on their site or app.
Parker Thompson
@oemerax Apps are businesses, though. They have checks to write and goals to meet. Obviously some apps have incredibly large parent companies but if they stop making profit or driving revenue in the end the service will stop.
Jared Krause
@boymeetscode Are you saying I shouldn't look at websites on my mobile device because I'm "taking the work out" of the beautiful desktop experiences they've designed? Not a great argument.
Parker Thompson
@thejfkshow but we're not talking about websites. We're talking about apps that have incredible amounts of money and time in user experience and design. Not to mention mobile sites are built around the same concept and idea. This app takes all of that out.
Sebastian Dobrincu
Looks awesome! Congrats to the team!
Ömer Akyürek
@sebyddd much appreciated!
This is some seriously beautiful app design. A++ @byndapp @bramk
Levent Askan
Congrats Ömer!
Ömer Akyürek
@leventask Thanks!
Kyle Alwyn
Not a very intuitive onboarding process. Did not realize I had to individually add accounts I wanted to follow after connecting my services. Left with a blank feed and screen.. good place for an empty state interface telling me to go follow my favorite accounts. Would also be useful to show the platform the article or post is coming from in the feed itself. Other than that, good work and will be interested in seeing how you proceed to differentiate yourself from the many other feed aggregators.
Ömer Akyürek
@alwynsays you're absolutely right and we are already working on the onboarding process for the next version. Everything else has been written into our to-do list as well.
Sebastian Pasuto
Looks pretty awesome. Love the animations. Good luck with your project.
Ömer Akyürek
@sebastiangalla thanks Sebastian.
Nils S.
Congrats on the launch guys! We are on the same mission of reducing digital clutter!
Ömer Akyürek
@bausofthenauf Oh really? That's amazing! Let's all work together to reduce the noise.
Esteban Aravena
So you have access to Instagram? I thought they killed their API for third party apps. Looks awesome!
Ömer Akyürek
@esbvn Thanks Estaben. Much appreciated.
Steven Law
What a beautiful UI!
Paul Kemp
A great app by an amazing team. Omer keeps updating the app after listening to the beta testing community he's built. Bynd has the potential to save you time opening several apps daily. A problem worth tackling.
Ömer Akyürek
@paul_s_kemp @ocodeswim Although you've mentioned the wrong name, thank you very much for your kind words :)
Demm Rel

My morning routine consists of opening Instagram, then Twitter, then Facebook, and so on and on.

It's tiring, repetitive and a waste of time.

Bynd is offering a solution by collecting the feeds of all those in one single place.

It's not yet perfect, but It seems to be getting there.

This feels like one of those apps that everyone will use in the near future.


Huge time saver. Don't have to open all social media apps one after another.


Not yet everything included perfectly.

Marc Müller

Easy to use, the iOS Version was already great. I appreciate the kind of social media aggregation! Great concept!


Easy, good UI, aggregation works well, all content in one


nothing so far