The legendary $1 bus ticket. Everyone has heard about it but seldom have gotten the golden opportunity to see it in person.
Every day, thousands of people search for bus tickets on and on our mobile apps, but seldom are those who land on the coveted $1 that we all hear about.
So we decided to do something about it. First, our analytics team did some research to see if it was worthwhile to build such a service by mining through the 2 million departures displayed on @Busbud during a single week. To our surprise, we found that there were a lot more $1 tickets than we imagined. Fun facts: the top 5 countries for $1 tickets are the US, the UK, Italy, Canada & Germany, and your chances of finding a $1 fare are best 30-100 days in advance, peaking at 90 days.
We then proceeded to build an alert notification system based on this data and called it the Dollar Bus Club. How it works: whenever a user searches on Busbud and gets a result offering a $1 ticket, an alert is triggered in our database, and if left unpurchased, we automatically announce the ticket to email subscribers and also on Twitter: @DollarBusClub
Looking forward to your feedback!