Elemi Atigolo

Launch Rocket - Access $164,000+ in savings and accelerate your startup!

Launch your Startup to a place no one has ever gone before!
The #1 Online Business Accelerator Club. Access growth-hack savings worth up to $164,000(£125k) and an online accelerator course for only £15/$20 per month. Launch your startup to new heights!

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Elemi Atigolo
We are happy to introduce Launch Rocket - An Online Business Accelerator Club. To kick start Launch Rocket we are running a special 50% OFF LAUNCH DEAL for 14 days and 14 nights. All members who sign up within this time will be able to access up to $164,000 (£125k) in credits, savings and our accelerator course for only £15/$20 per month. We listened to all your feedback from the original 'Startup Rocket' - A savings membership club on tools and services launched in October last year on Product Hunt. We went away and created the ultimate rocket to kick start your startup to a place no one has ever taken you before! We've added over not only huge savings from some of the top leading companies but we've also listened to the feedback from you about ways to get funding. So, we've also added our crowdfunding accelerator course to the mix. To top that all off, we're proud to have partnered with IBM to offer eligible tech startups the chance to access free IBM credits if they successfully complete our accelerator course and pitch their startup to us. We hope you enjoy this new version and we look forward to helping you launch your startup to the highest heights!