Track, manage, and close issues faster with our web-based bug tracker. It’s fast, flexible (integrates with major dev stack tools), and collaborative (add teams, vendors and even customers!). Free to use for 5 team members.
Tracking website core web vitals caught my attention - this is one of the pain areas that takes a lot of time to optimise and track the performance for EACH and EVERY individual pages!
Will definitely look forward to seeing more features related to GSC, web health, etc.
Congratulations @rapti@bugasura_tracker on successful launch 🙌🏻
@sathyashingade Every marketers dream right? At Bugasura we want to build out a collaborative tool. Let us know if you have any specific features in mind. Happy to look into it.
Interesting product; I absolutely love the landing page, and the free forever pricing is great for small teams.
The UI/UX is very clean and simple to use.
All the best guys
As a Creator, I can say that this is one of the simplest bug trackers out there.
Very happy to support Bugasura’s launch on Product Hunt. In the world of clutter, they’re decluttering for devs and promoting better collaboration between teams.
We have been using it in our SelectorsHub products and we can vouch for the product.
If you’re a developer or tester, give Bugasura a spin here:
@sanjay_kumar_soni Thanks Sanjay. What you are doing is amazing and getting this from you is a good step forward for us. Please try the close issues from Github directly and auto assign if you haven't tried it yet.
I am a co-maker but what makes a powerful tool for other makers is - simplicity. I have used many different bug trackers. None of them are modern. Those that are built new ended up competing with Jira on features and hence became Jira with a new skin on it. Other bug trackers used are Project Management tools that double up as bug trackers. Not dev and qa friendly. Very PM friendly. That's okay but the world deserves better.
We have it. With integrations to Asana, ZenDesk, JIra, Lambdatest and Slack.
Our committment and focus is to build it simpler and simpler.
For every 3 sprints where we add - we do 2 sprints to remove and simplify what is already built.
This sets us apart.
All this is talk. The real validation came from our international base of paying customers from UK, USA, Indonesia, Egypt, Germany, Armenia, Dubai, India, Italy, New Zealand and Mexico.
@pradeepsoundararajan big fan of your work from the early days. I'm a tester myself and your blogs testertested helped me to be a good tester. Glad to see Bugasura on PH today.
This is a brilliant tool. I remember how frequently we used to face issue in terms of tracking jira request week on week basis.
A brilliant add-on and nice LP as well.
Congratulations on the launch guys🚀🚀
Extremely thrilled to introduce Bugasura - the simplest and most effective bug tracker anyone could ever ask for - to the community here.
Most tools today in the market are not built for effective bug tracking and management. Developer teams mostly use Project Management tools or really old means like Google / excel Sheets (it’s 2022!) to manage bugs in their technology.
Think about this - you’re building modern technology but using old, legacy tools to power your innovation?
Enter Bugasura Issue Tracker - a modern way to track and manage bugs and collaborate with teams better.
It has everything you need to help you deliver quality technology:
1. It’s super simple to set up. Start in under a minute and with 0 learning curve for the tool!
2. Features like auto-assignees, team projects, custom fields etc to help you save time, collaborate and close bugs faster
3. Integrations with major dev stack tools like: Jira, GitHub, Slack etc so you don’t have to waste time on migrations
4. Keep track of your site health and monitor core vitals on Bugasura directly
This is a easy-to-use, visual and collaborative bug tracker that’s going to make your life so much easier.
Give Bugasura a spin. :)
@rosiesherry Gratitude is a small word. Couldn't have asked for a better Hunter. Thanks for your kindness and what you have done for this world. I am glad to be a friend and a student. Equally, I remember today - we were reporting bugs in Bugzilla on the project we both worked together decade and half ago :) is certainly an important step forward and your support has made a difference to our lives.