Pete R.

BucketListly 4.0 - The most beautiful & advanced bucket list you will ever have

BucketListly is the most beautiful and advanced bucket list website you will ever have. You can create online bucket list, organize your life goals, unlock achievements in real life and share your accomplishment with your friends and like-minded people of our community.

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Pete R.
Hey everyone! I'm here to introduce you to a new version of BucketListly, the most beautiful and advanced bucket list app that I've been crafting for the past 3 years. The idea is simple, you can create a bucket list, keep track of your life goals and easily share your "achievement unlocked" moments to your followers and friends. My idea is to create a community of travellers to come together, discuss and share life lessons and knowledge, and encourage people to achieve more in their lives. BucketListly strikes the perfect balance between beauty and beast. The app is equipped with powerful tools for you to manage hundreds of goals while keeping it simple to use and pretty on the eyes. New changes: - New design all over - New features on the bucket list page such as tagging, privacy settings, rearrange feature, nearby search, filter etc. - Discussion board - New Achievement page design: new typography, all powered by AJAX, seamless pagination, related achievement etc. - New powerful search with the ability add goals right from the result - Visualize goals on maps - New Design for embeddable widgets - New Blog - New Landing Page I would love to hear your feedback! If you have any questions, do let me know. :)
Alisha Outridge
@peachananr when I try to sign up on my laptop via your website Facebook sign up keeps failing to complete.
Pete R.
@alishaoutridge Thank you! I'll take a look!
Pete R.
@alishaoutridge Can you let me know what error you saw when you try to sign up via Facebook?
John Meese
@peachananr great concept! Any plan for an Android version?
@peachananr re FB bug. It brought me to FB, I authorized, and upon return I got a spinner. Then the spinner disappeared and I was still on the same screen. I tapped "connect w fB" again, and this time it asked for authorization to post as me. I granted that, was returned back and now proceeded to the screen where I could complete registration.
Jon Sutherland
Cool! I made something similar called Everlist in the past, the biggest issue we faced was low daily usage, people just don't achieve a life goal very often. How do you combat that?
Pete R.
@jmsuth I have to agree with you Jon. App like BucketListly needs to either find a way to increase daily usage or be very patience. We are trying both, that's why we continue to experiment on features like Discussion board and the news feed, to keep people more active. We also are focussing on building a community around travelers and nomads first because they are likely to achieve life goals a lot more than other types of audience.
Marc Köhlbrugge
Congrats on the launch. Looks great Pete!
Samir Doshi
my bucketlist is too ugly for this service ---- amazing design I must say and really cool product.
Pete R.
@samir_doshi Hahaha! Thank you Sam! Glad you like the design. I rarely see well designed bucket list app so I decided to make that a priority! :)
Dave Drager 【ツ】
Beautiful app Pete, nicely done!
Pete R.
@ddrager Thank you man! It's been a while! :) Hope you are doing well!
Alexander Shpilka
Looks amazing!
Pete R.
@archiolidius Thank you Alexander!
Steven Law
Looks great, I like the social connections and the ability to 'copy' others goals.
Pete R.
@stevenlaw Thank you Steven. BucketListly at its core is a community so being able to see what people want to achieve and being inspired by them is essential to the app. :)
I love this, the design and execution is flawless. Everything radiates class and style.
Pete R.
@levelsio Thanks man! Appreciated coming from you! :D Hope you are doing well!
Amit Sonawane
Nice Pete! @peachananr
Pete R.
@amitsonawane Thank you Amit!
Sean Kuriyan
I've been looking for an app like this but I own a Samsung. Do you have plans to release an Android version soon?
Pete R.
@sean189 Hey Sean, Thank you! I'm sad to say but the Android version is still planned but no release date yet because we have been changing so much on the web that the mobile apps won't be able to catch up in time. Until we have slower rate of experimentation then we will launch the app. :)
Bryan M. Blanchot
Hi Pete, why the need to add a picture to unlock a life goal, what's the story behind that decision ?
Pete R.
@brybrybm I did not take that decision lightly but we found out that people would simply unlock their achievements without putting any detail hence not really contributing to the community. We want people to come together as a community and help each other out and without enforcing that, the app would likely be filled with empty achievements and goals.
Rob Bertholf
Love it! I had been planning on creating something like this as I couldnt find anything that I liked. Glad you beat me to it!
Pete R.
@rob Thank you Rob!
J. Alexander Curtis
I love the UI
Pete R.
@_jacurtis Thank you! :) I'm a UI Designer myself so that helps a bit. :)
Shiv Patel
@peachananr #WonByDesign
Pete R.
@shivhpatel Thank you! :)
Eleonora Provozin
Great social component! It's great to see your friends' goals and maybe plan to achieve them together.
Cem Carak
Excellent product. It looks sleek and cool! I will look into it more closely and give you feedback. What's the easiest way to get in touch with your team to do that?
Resham Sanghvi
@peachananr from what i can see on the app store the last updated version dates back to Feb'15, is that correct? Am I to download that version of the app?
Lachlan Nicolson
Reminds me of Squirrel App on product hunt :-)