
brif - experience your email, anew.


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Sean Percival
Email does suck so I always appreciate anyone trying to make it better. However it's tough to make a business out of. How do you plan to scale this and ultimately make money?
@Percival that's a great question that we are frequently been asked for. The scale process starts with engaging consumers to Brif, we see that consumers are loving Brif as it's easy and based on people & groups. But according to researchers email is going to be 70% business-oriented by 2017 so our business model targets businesses that want to turn their email into a collaboration workspace (think of Asana integrated into your email).
Web based Gmail client, made for people who work in groups and appreciate ease of use.
Sean Percival
When did you launch an what is usage like so far?
@Percival We launched Brif this August to a closed list of @ProductHunt users. Our 1500 users like it very much they say - "Love the look and feel. The design is great, clean, and hip!". They use it 2hr a day in average. 43% engagement rate.
Sean Percival
Talk more about the group collaboration features. What are they specially and how do they make my life easier.
@Percival Email and calendar drive people to set and achieve goals. Still email lack of essential collaboration and productivity tools that Asana and others are trying to provide. Brif will enable group collaboration that is tightly coupled with email and by this allow teamwork with and only with email. For example, an email message can hold shared tasks that are updated in real-time, assigning tasks and projects from within email, setting up milestones, and more. In general Brif's set of features will allow businesses to run their processes from within their email so they don't need additional tools.
Sean Percival
Why do you want to be in the 500 program?
@Percival our early adopters users are startups, this fits our intention to help them grow with Brif. The advantage of 500 is to be part of a growing community of startups and by this collect the features list that help businesses grow.
Sean Percival
Do you have any questions for me?
@Percival I read your post about "month without email", what part of email have you really missed during this time? Could you continue not using email?
Sean Percival
@royganor I wish I could stop using email all together but have started to use Wechat,Slack and other messaging apps instead. Getting this done faster and in real time is the only way to reduce the email back and forth.
@Percival exactly! while email is the #1 identity tool, it's definitely a bad tool for collaboration and task management. While many companies think that this part can be taken out from email we think it's a useless fight as it's too close to be taken apart.