Exciting to see a NYC-based cloud infrastructure company being built by solid young founders. Ambitious project bringing design thinking to the enterprise in a space that is getting increasingly interesting with Docker & other platforms.
Thanks for the submission @badboyboyce!
Happy to answer any questions and hear ideas for what you would want in your perfect dev environment. We're a proud NYC company—would love to chat with anyone in town.
I've been playing with Bowery for a bit because I'm thinking about using it for a web development class I'm teaching in the fall.
Highly recommend every developer at least try it out — it's super easy to set up (under 10 minutes for me) and they have plenty of support with images.
Huge fan of @zmh and team :)
@arjunblj Thanks Arjun :) And yeah, first-time setup might take longer than 30 seconds but would be faster for other people on your team or if you're setting up a similar stack for multiple projects.
What I Know Best - Peter Boyce