Abishek Muthian

Bone Health Tracker - Track your bone health, create better bone health treatments

Track the health of your Spine, Hip, Femur, Femur Neck and Forearm using your historical and current BMD scan test reports. Uses Machine Learning to identify key metrics from the BMD report automatically. No Protected Health Information (“PHI”) is collected.

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sasha follock
this is interesting. congrats!
Abishek Muthian
When I was 32 years of age I was told that my bones were like that of an 80 year old due to a health disorder called Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can make our bones fragile and likely to break. 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years and 1 in 5 men will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. It is likely that your parents and grand parents are already suffering from Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is identified using a Bone Mineral Density(BMD) scan test which gives scores for our bone density and is compared with the known scores from the healthy individuals of same age. I was told that these known scores does not include all races, ethinicities and are generally unreliable for those with pre-existing diseases. This makes it difficult for providing proper healthcare, Even more so for outliers like me. I'm attempting to change that with Bone Health Tracker. Bone Health Tracker classifies the Bone Mineral Density(BMD) scan test report to display the reports with visualizations to better understand the bone health and to monitor the progress of bone health treatments . 1. Healthcare providers currently have to manually compare the BMD reports of their patients every year to analyze the treatments, With Bone Health Tracker's dynamic chart feature they can now do it automatically and even patients can track the progress of their treatments. 2. Skeleton visualization helps to easily understand which bones are affected by Osteoporosis, Osteopenia even by those without prior medical training. 3. BMD scan test reports without any personal information can be submitted for the research of bone health and treatments for bone health diseases. No Protected Health Information (“PHI”) is collected during the entire function of Bone Health Tracker as only assessment section of the BMD scan test report is needed. If you (or) a family member has taken a BMD test, Consider using Bone Health Tracker to monitor the progress of your treatment and submitting the non-personal data for research. If you are researcher dealing with bone health, or know anyone who would be interested in the data gathered by the Bone Health Tracker and help improve it; Please get in touch. Thank you for reading.