Eric Simons

AMA w/ CEO of Bolt - from $0 to $20M and how we almost didn't make it

Live Feb 28th, 9am PT - drop your questions!

Hi everyone,

CEO of Bolt here! Super excited to open up about our journey and offer any learnings and stories I can to help other makers on their journey. Within a span of 2 months we've grown to $20M in revenue and were recently featured in NYT as paving the way for vibe coding.

Every decision can turn into a pivotal one for a start up, but you have to keep iterating and trust your gut. Feel free to AMA about bolt's journey, vibe coding, what we have in store, and how other makers can learn from bolt's past (and rapidly evolving future).

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Shane‌ Pollard

Hi @ericsimons40
Great to connect here :) Have really enjoyed using Bolt.

What specific direction are you planning to take Bolt this year and beyond?
for context each of the main code generators (vibe gang) has distinct specialities, just asking what Bolt is working towards this year.

You gents have made creator life easier for millions of people worldwide. Props to you and the team.

Nora Lam

Hi~Eric dying to know how you nailed the first 10k users cold-start! Heard the Reddit magic - was it community building or strategic AMAs? Which social channels drove real traction (TikTok code memes vs Twitter targeted ads)? And did natural SEO play a role? Like optimizing for "vibe coding crash course" type keywords?

Abdul Rehman

Hi Eric,
Great! Growing from 0 to $20M is no small feat. I am excited to hear about the toughest challenges along the way.

And what was the biggest turning point that kept Bolt on track during the tough times?