Hey PH’ers!
My name is Nathan Lands, CEO and Co-founder of Blockai.
Blockai is the world's first copyright platform. We've been on Product Hunt twice before and got great feedback with our original launch and later with our twitter integration. So, we decided to do it again!
Today we're releasing Blockai for Instagram. Now you can claim your copyrights on Instagram. You just link your Instagram account to your Blockai account and import your photos. For new photos just add #blockai and we'll comment with a link to your claim.
We create a permanent record in the bitcoin blockchain and give you proof. Then we search the internet to show you all the places your photos are being used. Soon we'll give you ways to deal with infringements.
We started Blockai to help creators claim and protect their copyrights. We want to make it possible to instantly claim copyrights with the tools you already use.
PetaPixel and SLR Lounge covered the release:
• http://petapixel.com/2016/11/18/...
• https://www.slrlounge.com/copyri...
I hope you'll try it out. My co-founder Oli Lalonde and me are both here to respond to questions. Looking forward to your feedback!
P.S. We're looking for our first front-end engineer! https://angel.co/blockai/jobs/18...
@nathan_lands I'd argue that YouTube's Content ID was the first copyright platform, but I can see how what you're doing is it its own thing. Once you detect someone else using my copyrighted material, what happens? Is there a process to charge a licensing fee, or to issue a takedown?
@chrismessina Exactly, that's how it will work soon.
Right now the product is simple. Creators instantly claim their copyright and then see where it's used on the web. Soon we'll give creators steps to take such as issuing a takedown, offer to pay for a license, etc.
We are building a one-stop-shop for copyright. A platform for managing, monitoring and monetizing copyrights.
@chrismessina I think if you look closely you'll find that Ascribe doesn't mention copyright. There is a difference between attribution and copyright and it is important. By the way, Ascribe pivoted ~12 months ago, they just never publicly announced it.
@chrismessina Also it's worth noting, we were around before Ascribe building similar technology. The product its self has changed a lot. :)
Here's an early version: http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2...
**Updated as it appears I was mistaken. Ascribe was around for longer than Blockai. See Trent's response below.
I've been using Blockai for months know and have found it ridiculously easy. Every image I send out into the internet gets a #blockai hashtag. You guys have come along at a great time so congrats. I'm just waiting on that API though! ;)
@kristories it's exactly the same as how it works for public copyright claims, except when it's private no one can see your images. Does that answer your question?
uh....dummy question here, how could you know the people who register the copyright are authentic? Do you guys have some sort of duplication checking system?
@tina_jang Hi Tina, that's a great question.
Right now it's first to claim. The main deterrent against fraud is that claims are permanently recorded on the bitcoin blockchain. Meaning that if someone commits fraud, they can't go back and cover their tracks.
We have some basic ways to detect fraud, but we've got a lot of work to do to improve the technology. We are currently expanding our team and focused on improving the way we deal with fraud and verifying copyright claims. It will involve a combination of a reputation system and smart fraud detection tools.
So, there isn't a simple answer. But, we believe it's solvable and something that long-term will be of great value for our users.
Thanks for the question!