Unconscious Observer

Bard - Google officially announces ChatGPT competitor called BARD

The tool will be powered by the company's Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) — yes, the same one that one of its engineers said had come to life last year, prompting the company to fire him. AiToolHunt

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Unconscious Observer
"AI is the most profound technology we are working on today. Whether it’s helping doctors detect diseases earlier or enabling people to access information in their own language, AI helps people, businesses and communities unlock their potential. And it opens up new opportunities that could significantly improve billions of lives. That’s why we re-oriented the company around AI six years ago — and why we see it as the most important way we can deliver on our mission: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since then we’ve continued to make investments in AI across the board, and Google AI and DeepMind are advancing the state of the art. Today, the scale of the largest AI computations is doubling every six months, far outpacing Moore’s Law. At the same time, advanced generative AI and large language models are capturing the imaginations of people around the world. In fact, our Transformer research project and our field-defining paper in 2017, as well as our important advances in diffusion models, are now the basis of many of the generative AI applications you're starting to see today." - AiToolHunt
Denis Galka
Good news. It had to happen one day. Is there a link where you can try it?
Ken Savage
2 months too late? All the buzz went to ChatGPT and it will take an astonishing launch to duplicate that.
Vinay Kumar
In my opinion, Bard will be stronger than ChatGPT for several reasons. Firstly, it is backed by Google, the world's largest and best search engine platform, which has access to an immense amount of data. Secondly, updates are another factor in which Bard has an advantage. ChatGPT is only trained up until 2021 data, while Google has a chance to constantly update and improvee their AI. Finally, the name Google AI itself gives them a significant head start. People will naturally gravitate towards it if the program is even slightly more advanced or equal to ChatGPT. The only way for Bard to fail is if it's of poor quality, which is unlikely to happen.
Chris Plowman
"The only way for Bard to fail is if it's of poor quality, which is unlikely to happen." They have made a mistake in one of the first examples they shared - https://petapixel.com/2023/02/08...
Adam Lui
@vinay_kumar16 #1 GPT-3 (on which ChatGPT is based) is trained on hundreds of billions of words over years #2 This is a misconception being spread by reporters. If you type 'when was WWII' you will see it is false #3 People naturally gravitate towards OpenAI not Google, as ChatGPT is the fastest growing app in human history (search for the articles that reveal this). Also Bard is neither more advanced nor equal to ChatGPT. It failed hard during launch with many news outlets reporting on its inaccuracies. The head start was not just months but years by OpenAI, and Google will catch up but by then, ChatGPT will have solidified its monopoly. Why did this happen? Because Sundar Pichai famously scoffed at the notion of implementing AI in search when ChatGPT first buzzed, bizarrely calling OpenAI a "startup" (it is a multi-billion dollar corporation nearly ten years old) that Google is not, thus cannot afford such risk. Only when it was too late and the sentiment of ChatGPT = "Google killer" became overwhelming did Sundar last minute realize his error, and commissioned the lazy imitation that is Bard to be made. Sundar is the reason Bard is destined to be a failure: he had every opportunity to fight the growing tide, but stuck to complacency and now faces a mile-high wave.
Ernest Ch.
wow very curious how you'll compete with a newly introduced Bing from Microsoft. Good luck to both companies :)
Paolo De Giglio 🚀
Congratulations to Google AI and DeepMind for the recent launch on Product Hunt! It's amazing to see the progress that has been made in AI over the last six years and it's inspiring to think about the potential for AI to improve billions of lives. I'm excited to see what the future holds for AI and look forward to seeing the continued advancements in the field!
Aleх Zaharov
I really want to test it, when will it be possible?
Malte Prüser
Looks powerful. Can't wait to get my hands on this and compare it to ChatGPT.
Get ready to get ads in the AI response! I think advertisers will be more curious than consumers.
When release date will be announced?
Sathya Narayanan
I can see only sundar's launch blog. how can I try out Bard?
Naveed Rehman
are you Sundar? or you just copied his message here?
Do we actually have a product yet or is this an air pump for the share tyre?
Micole Bellocchio
Release date in may or before?
The race to conversational AI, and that's only the beginning!
Ron Fybish
I love it 🚀
Usama Ejaz
Wow! LaMDA technology is amazing - I can't wait to see the possibilities this opens up!
Josh Turner
Interesting that Google used an iPhone for the mobile example 🤔
Adarsh K
Waiting for the public beta! 🤩
Steven 👾
Grab the popcorn 🍿