Alexandre Grisey

Indie Dev Tools - Free Directory of Tools for Independent Developers

Indie Dev Tools is a website listing the best tools to help indie hackers and developers building their own products, sorted by categories and tags. Feel free to add your own tool!

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Alexandre Grisey
Hi guys, I recently created a few tools for developers/indie hackers, but I couldn't find that much proper (and free) directories to add them on. Seems like 90% of directories are AI-oriented now. So I created my own directory. It's called Indie Dev Tools, it lists tools for (and mostly by) independent developers, sorted by categories. It's 100% free (for the moment). I coded it in a few days, and made it live asap. I already added some products since, and I'm trying to focus on tools created by solo makers. Please don't hesitate to give me your feedback, add your own tool and share the website!
Aris Nakos
Good job man!
Alexandre Grisey
@aris_nakos Thanks! ☺️
Nicolas Pamart
Nice idea ! Easy way for indie devs to have a SEO backlink to their tool :)
Alexandre Grisey
@nicolas_pamart Thanks! And yes, exactly πŸ˜‰
Akash Kandasamy
Good One, Bookmarked it
Congratulations on the launch of Indie Dev Tools, Alexandre! It's great to see a platform dedicated to helping indie hackers and developers find the best tools for their projects. I love the idea of focusing on tools created by solo makers - it really gives a personal touch to the directory. I'm curious, how do you plan on growing the platform and reaching more indie developers to contribute their tools?
Alexandre Grisey
@mashy Thanks! Well I'm adding myself tools, and the plan to reach more indie developers is through social platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn and Reddit), and via Google. SEO is my #1 priority.