The Grit Ebook features ten exclusive interviews with the top leaders in the design and dev space. Enjoy the read, learn from their experience and journies, and get actionable tips.
👋 We're super excited to share the new The Grit volume III ebook with the community. This ebook is full of personal stories and actionable tips from some of the most excellent designers and developers.
World-renowned designer, Stefan Sagmeister, says the new volume "reads lovely."
Here is the list of the participants:
Teresa Man - Lead Designer at Superhuman
Emanuel Sá - Chief Design Officer and Co-founder of Sketch
Stefan Sagmeister - Founder of Sagmeister Inc.
Chris Messina - Product designer and #hashtag inventor
Alex Muench - Product Designer at Doist
Chetana Deorah - Product Design Director at Coursera
David Hoang - Director of Design at Webflow
Brian Lovin - Product Designer at GitHub
Gabriel Valdivia - Design Director at CNN
Rania Svoronou - Design Director at IBM iX
We hope you will enjoy the read and make good use of the lessons their stories teach us. Get your free copy.
And if you like The Girt, share this 📗 with your community.
P.S. Find Volume I and Volume II on the Avocode website and let us know whom you'd like to see interviewed next in the comments.
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