thomas mol - Convert text-to-speech & generate summaries, in one click

Meet Audiogest — AI-powered transcription at your fingertips. Enjoy 40 mins free on signup, speaker diarization using Whisper and Pyannote, and GPT-4 for summaries. No subscription, just pre-paid credits for your convenience. Simplify your audio tasks today.

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thomas mol
Hi there! Thrilled to introduce Audiogest to you today. We've leveraged Whisper for transcriptions, Pyannote for diarization and GPT-4 for smart summaries, aiming to revolutionize how you handle audio content, all in a webapp. Try out our free 40 mins of transcription upon signup and see how it works for you! We're eager to hear your thoughts, feedback, and ways we can improve. Let's start the conversation!
Ahmad Ali
Amazing! Congrats on the launch