Dmitry Dragilev

3 Most Effective List Building Techniques of 2016 - Exact strategies used to grow an email list which made $300K

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Dmitry Dragilev
Bryan Harris, the author of this ebook launched a product a few years ago that completely tanked. He spent his own money and many months planning to release a product that never even broke even for him. Fast forward 18 months, Bryan launched another product, but this time he made almost $300,000 in ten days. A few months later, he launched the same product again and made over $750,000... What was the difference? An email list. That’s it. No fancy business plan. No huge marketing budget. Just a list of people who were eager to buy something Bryan had to sell. And do you know why they were eager to buy from Bryan? Because he sold them something they actually wanted. No more assumptions about what people might want. Or building products we hope people will buy. It is much simpler than that now, and here is how it works: 1. Build an email list 2. Ask that list what they want 3. Build them what they want After reading his blog and having him help me personally I know this is the most guaranteed way to succeed in business. He just came out with this free ebook where he shares some of the best list building strategies that are working right now, this stuff worked for me, I now have 9500+ email subcribers as a result, here are just some of them: 1. The Upside Down Homepage 2. One-Click Optins 3. PPC to Webinar Wanted to share the free ebook with you.
Bryan Harris
Thanks for the love Dmitry!
Curious, what type of lead gen (ie free ebooks, content upgrades, etc.) brings in the most engaged subscribers from your experiences?
Bryan Harris
@sapphli Hey Sapph :) There is no universal answer. Everything is very contextual. But the 3 things I outlined in the book are working incredibly well right now for us. What I always suggest: Make a list of the 10 things you :THINK: will work the best. Execute all 10 and double down on the ones that got you the most traction. Don't constantly search for new stuff, focus on what's working. For us that is: 1) onsite optimization (upside down homepage, content upgrades, modals) 2) product partnerships 3) paid advertising
ali mirza
no list = no money.. thank you for sharing this <3
Amit Ghasghase
You need to enter your email to download an ebook about list building. That is so meta.