Archive is a YouTube Channel Search Engine. The search query is synced with the timestamp, so the video starts from the search word itself. We only support Veritasium Youtube Channel as of now.
Which channel's Archive do you want next?
Hi Hunters, I am first time launching a product here. I am a binge-watcher of the Veritasium Channel. His content is long duration and takes time to process. One day, I was teaching a concept to my friend which I had learned from Veritasium Channel. And I wanted to confirm whether I am 100% accurate or not. I couldn't keep track of the video which video has mentioned the concept. I wanted to go back and watch it to confirm the concept's nuance. I tried my best and I wasn't able to find it. That's when we both wondered why there was no product to search it. That's when we started working on Archive. For now, we only support the Veritasium YouTube Channel.
Which channel's Archive do you want next?
This is fabulous @hardikjain . Many times I need to see a specific dialogue or a specific scene. It's a very challenging problem. Kudos to you to build such a fascinating product. Loved it.
Archive: A YouTube Channel Search Engine
Archive: A YouTube Channel Search Engine
Archive: A YouTube Channel Search Engine
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Archive: A YouTube Channel Search Engine