Tag your favorite apps, and search them easily. No more need of folders! No more need to look through all apps to find your app! Tagging app will simplify the process of grouping apps and searching them.
- App search based on app names and tags
- Rename apps using tags
- Hide apps to come in search result
- Clickable tags
- Auto keyboard focus to minimize efforts
- App usage learning, more used apps will come at top of search result
- Widget to open application\n-
- Use Google Now swipe gesture to open application
- Long press on apps to look for option to edit tags, open app info or uninstall app
- Add multiple tags at once by hash(#), space( ) or comma(,) separated
- Start search with hash(#) to minimise search based on tags
- Tag app '#hide' to remove apps coming to search result
- Type '#hide' to see all hidden apps
- Click tag to open all similar tagged apps