
Indusface WAS - Fully managed web application scanning & risk detection


Comprehensive web security assessment
- $0 bi-weekly automated basic security scans
- $59 a month Full OWASP scan, Systems VA & malware/reputation check
- Cost effective On-demand PT with unlimited POC on automated scans
- 24x7 Support by Security experts

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Hey Product Hunters! We are excited for you to checkout Indusface WAS. We envision a world that allows businesses to go digital fearlessly. As part of that vision we want to make it extremely easy to help businesses to protect their applications. Applications are central to any digitization initiatives for any business and securing them starts with providing visibility of the risks. We are happy to launch the security assessment service including a free for ever version that will enable all business to get visibility of critical risks without worrying about cost, and also upgrade to comprehensive deeper assessment with a monthly plan without having to worry about upfront commitments. Indusface WAS provides comprehensive web application security assessment with the following features ✅ Unlimited automated on-demand website security Scans ✅ On-demand Manual Penetration Testing and business logic check ✅ Reputation checks, Malware alerts, defacement alert ✅ Systems Vulnerability scans and version checks ✅ $0 Free forever basic security scan to get started ✅ $59 per month monthly plan to get started with a lower commit for a paid plan and a 14-day free trial ✅ 24x7 support services to provide proof of concept, remediation guidelines ✅ Centralized portal, dashboard, and security posture reporting ✅ Proven and used by 2000+ Business Globally ✅ On-demand upgrade option to Managed WAF to provide instant managed Virtual patching. As part of our launch, you can sign up to a free trial and give Indusface WAS a spin. We'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts on this.
Ryan Chaliff
Looks pretty solid. Do you have any case studies of companies that have implemented this already and how it has positively impacted their application security?
Venkatesh Sundar
@ryanchaliff Thanks for the feedback. we have 2000+ customers globally using our service. you can get a list of customers using this product and their testimonials if you scroll down in this product page link https://www.indusface.com/web-ap.... s, if you are looking for specific references in a specific vertical (health care) we will be more than happy to connect you those customers and setup a reference call if you wish to do so.
Venkatesh Sundar
@ryanchaliff https://www.indusface.com/custom... has small subset of our customer testimonials and feedback
Tomas Hertus
@hapemfeo You claim to have zero false positive - "With zero false positive guarantee". I've been working in the cybersecurity for 10 years and never ever have I seen a company with zero false positives. How do you justify such a bold statement?
Venkatesh Sundar
@tomashertus For our Indusface WAS product offering we guarantee it by providing a- Request for POC from the automated scanning findings for critical, high and medium severity findings from automated scanners. By including this feature and benefit as part of our Indusface WAS offering we ensure the customer has a choice to take action on the findings immediately or they can chose to do so only after it is verified and proof of evidence is provided by our 24x7 support team. b- This process besides providing benefits to the customers, also ensures that our automated scanning keeps getting better based on this learning and feedback loop to ensure the False positive percentages from our automated scans are consistently and continuously reduced towards 0% from the already lower single digit %. To answer your question from a customer standpoint we fulfill this promise by enabling request for POC serviced by our 24x7 support team to eliminate FP. For our AppTrana Risk Based Managed Cloud WAF product it’s a similar concept a- Our out of box policies are optimised to be put in block mode based on the collective experience of vulnerability assessments and application risks we have built over time across thousands and thousands of application audits. The risk of False positive is low, but not eliminated. How do we eliminate it- By including the managed services along with the product offering and we are the single point of contact for the customer to help them tweak, update and fine tune and also write application specific custom rules which when requested has a process of first putting in monitor mode, analysed/tested by us before putting it in block mode. The out of box Risk of False positive is never going to go away, but again to answer your question we fulfil the zero False positive promise by including a 24x7 managed service as part of our product offering to eliminate FP and this process also become a self sustaining feedback loop to also make our out box rules better to provide more accurate protection. You are spot on with your question/observation though. Zero false positive with a product only offering without any expert support services to back it up is indeed not possible. That is why we included the 24x7 Managed service with our products to address this pressing pain point for many customers , who are left with having paid lots of money to the product , but no expertise/ and more importantly time commit to manage it to eliminate False positives which is a huge business risk and prevents full use of capabilities of the application firewall and application scanning products.
Jamison Milan
Great approach to web application security testing. Is this mostly geared towards larger B2B corporations?
Venkatesh Sundar
@mariahardy Thanks Jamison. its geared toward any business with applications that is critical for their business. Whether the web/mobile applications they have is for doing transactions , distributing content and or a simple brand /corporate website, Security of those application have become a board room discussion for business continuity, risk mitigation, compliance and most importantly building trust with their customers. Hence the businesse's we cater to can be b2b or b2c , but if they are concerned about security of their web and mobile application then we help address those concern as Securing applications requires special skill set and for a growing business it can come in the way of their agility to grow their core business. We take that pain away, by providing accurate and continuous risk visibility first with this Indusface WAS offering and then if they chose to can also get continuous risk protection / management with our Risk based Managed cloud WAF AppTrana service
Christian Piponides
Protecting applications is utmost important in these days, looks like a promising tool and great to see it's already having so much success. I've add some feedback here on the landing page if it helps for future iterations. :) Congratulations launching on Product hunt!
Venkatesh Sundar
@christian_piponides Thanks for the comment/revalidating the pressing market need for protecting applications. Especially now in this post pandemic era - digitization initiatives are going to go up and web/mobile/API applications will be central to those digitization initiatives and security of those application is going to become even more important./critical . Also thanks a lot for the landing page feedback. Really appreciated.