Marcin Krzywonos

SideNotes - Clean notes with superpowers on the side of your monitor

A beautiful note taking app with superpowers. It shows and hides on the side of your monitor to manage your notes distraction-free. Keep your notes organised, personalised and always at your fingertips. Markdown, tasks, pictures, colors, folders included.

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Love this and went immediately to buy it. If it was $5 I would have bought it instantly without giving a thought. $10 to me is too much for a notes app.
Marcin Krzywonos
Hi everyone! πŸ‘‹ Remember sticky notes? They are useful but really messy. So we decided to upgrade them - that’s how SideNotes appeared! And to keep your desktop clean, we moved the notes on the side. SideNotes keeps handy notes organized in folders. Each note may have a color. Text formatting? Out of the box. Not only Markdown but also tasks, pictures, colors and links. Drop them or create a note right from the pasteboard content. Application might stay on top of other apps or be gently hidden until you need it. SideNotes is useful and elegant, handy and intuitive. It organizes your thoughts and speeds up your work. We had lots of β˜•οΈ to make it and we are proud of this app. It will be our honor if you love it, too. 😊
Zach R
@m_krzywonos , this is great! I love Sidenote already, just started using it today, and already purchased a license. I have an awesome suggestion that would make it even more powerful, and useful. Esp while you build out the iCloud sync part. Right now, in the preferences you can do "Data" and then "Open Data Folder" to see the info. It would be INCREDIBLE if you could change that location. So I could put my Sidenote data in a Dropbox folder, so then it would be accessible on other computers, and backed up as well. The same would apply for people to put that in like Google Drive folders, or other syncing software like that. Please consider this feature, it would be a HUGE addition to the app, allowing users to customize the location of that "Data folder." Thank you!
Marcin Krzywonos
@bluetidepro Welcome onboard πŸ‘‹ I think that for now you could try to link data folder with a folder in iCloud / DropBox. We'll think about it. We need to figure out which method of iCloud synchronisation to choose.
Jorge Dieguez
Loving it! -- Update: Already bought the license! Great job on this app. I would only have two suggestions: 1) A way to create a note from the folder view... Sometimes you just want to write something real quick, and having to select a folder in order to create a note is a little inconvenient. 2) A way to make the little sidebar button disappear, and operate completely from the keyboard shortcut. Aside from this, great job!
Marcin Krzywonos
@jorge_dieguez I'm really happy you love it! > A way to create a note from the folder view... Sometimes you just want to write something real quick, and having to select a folder in order to create a note is a little inconvenient. Press ctrl+option+cmd+n (you can change this shortcut in Preferences) > A way to make the little sidebar button disappear, and operate completely from the keyboard shortcut. Two possible solutions: 1. Preferences -> Open Bar: hide when mouse is inactive. 2. Just choose Hot Side instead of Open Bar
Artem Stenko
Great, otherwise the classic notes are fed up! And quite useful - Thanks
Yuta Aoki
Great idea, I like it especially saving colors.
Filippo Mursia
Amazing! I thought of the same app some time ago! I wish I was a developer πŸ˜‚
Shun Yamada
Downloaded. It's such a useful for freelnacers working all day in front of PC. Can I have it show/hide with shortcut command?
Marcin Krzywonos
@shun_yamada Of course, you can. By defaults it's ctrl+option+cmd+space (you can change it in Preferences).
Nathan Rightnour
Love the idea, but can we get some love for High Sierra?
Marcin Krzywonos
@nathanrightnour Unfortunately, not 😞 Sorry!
Morgan Von Gunten
this is awesome and would probably become one of my favorite apps. any plans for making this available for older macOS versions soon? running 10.13.
Marcin Krzywonos
@morganvongunten Unfortunately, not. 😞Sorry
Nick Simard
This is so close to what I've been searching for! A few things would make this truly amazing: - a way to make notes sticky/fave/starred so they stay at the top - making todos that have been completed hidden but still available somewhere...maybe in a different note that you can specify? - an API/webhooks or some way to automate the creation of notes ( I work for Zapier and would love having a way to use this with other apps) - a way to create reminders for todos - the ability to search for notes (maybe by using #somethinglikethis) β†’ BONUS: being able to save those searches/filters somehow (maybe put all notes with certain hashtags into a different folder?) - allowing notes to live on the main screen where the folders are. Maybe that's how you handle sticky ones? Overall, I love the look and feel of this and how easy it is to create a note from copied text. That definitely helps when you just want to save something without fussing. Great work! Question: I can open the sidebar with keyboard shortcuts, but am I able to go into a folder with keyboard shortcuts? I can navigate up and down but everything I've tried then lets me edit the name of the folder instead of drilling inside of it. Thanks!
Marcin Krzywonos
@nicksimard Thanks for your feedback! Most of these features have been already in our todo list πŸ˜€ > an API/webhooks or some way to automate the creation of notes ( I work for Zapier and would love having a way to use this with other apps) We've already integrated it with AppleScript. In a few days we'll add docs in If you have any questions regarding to AS or suggestion, just send a message via > I can open the sidebar with keyboard shortcuts, but am I able to go into a folder with keyboard shortcuts? I can navigate up and down but everything I've tried then lets me edit the name of the folder instead of drilling inside of it. cmd+down to enter the folder. It works just like Finder. Here are all the keyboard shortcuts:
Nick Simard
@m_krzywonos Awesome, thanks so much! I knew there must be a way to get into the folders. Now, I know :)
The concept is brilliant, but are the notes stored in a format making the data retrievable should the company cease support for the app for any reason?
Marcin Krzywonos
@stillupmysleeve It's a simple JSON file, so you can get data from it. You can also use a script (Apple Script) to get all the notes.
iOS app planned?
Marcin Krzywonos
@jitowix Yes, but first we would like to integrate it with iCloud (as an option)
I think iOS version should be the top priority and when checking the todo box, strikethrough effect is necessary
John Caine
Looks great! Any plans for an API?
Marcin Krzywonos
@jjcaine What kind of API? SideNotes is integrated with Apple Script, so you can play with it
John Caine
@m_krzywonos Oh nice, I'll play around with that and see what I can do. I'm already a heavy Evernote user, so if I can figure out a way to keep my todo list in Evernote synced with SideNotes that would be a big win for me.
Loved the interface but anything without syncing to iOS is kind of useless for me. Specially when work is divided between Mac, iPad and iPhone. As this is part of setapp I will defiantly give a shot as have nothing to loose.
Rudy Arconte
Really neat and smart desktop app waited for a while. Especially useful for screen share conference! However, I suggest that markdown symbols don't appear after formating a text line, as it is really disturbing for reading comfort and clarity. It will be an efficient update for better user experience.
Trisha Cupra
This is a great little app. It's a shame that even at half price it's $15 Australian. But it's not your fault our currency is so weak. :-)
Paul Mikhaylenko
Any plans of creating an app that would sync the notes?
Nick Giovacchini
@m_krzywonos what file format do the notes save in? Are they able to be located in a folder outside of the app?
Marcin Krzywonos
@gioismeyo Currently it's a JSON file. You can locate it from Preferences window (Preferences -> Data -> Open Data Folder). You can also get all notes using Apple Script.