Gaurab Bhattacharjee

AppSec360 - Check your application's mapped security controls

Secure apps development is tough. Understanding how specific controls map against standards like ISO27001, NIST, etc. isn't straightforward. This utility helps identify gaps & provide recommendations on what needs to be done for the standard of choice.

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Gaurab Bhattacharjee
We are really excited to introduce Standards mapped application security controls today on Product Hunt. This is a checklist of application security controls to quickly find which standards (NIST, ISO, etc.) a particular security control maps to and answers the question:  "We are doing X for application security, so are we compliant with Y standard?" With so many different control sets, frameworks, and standards often it is confusing to answer this question, mainly for companies with limited security resources. The goal of this utility is to provide easy visibility to how much coverage your currently implemented controls have vis-a-vis three popular standards:
  • OWASP proactive controls
  • ISO27001-2013
We will add other popular standards to this in the weeks ahead, mainly some Privacy standards. All these controls mapping are available as CSV files in Github HERE This is focused on application security only.