Erik Torenberg

Apliiq Custom T-Shirts - Quality branded pocket Tee Shirts

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Erik Torenberg
Congrats on the launch Ethan! Tell us a bit of the back story on Apliiq. What inspired its creation? What's the ultimate vision for the company? How did you get so good at spanish? Saludos.
Ethan Lipsitz
Gracias señor @eriktorenberg!! Apliiq actually started as a hobby business when I was at Penn. I would collect fabrics from the Philly garment district and stitch up custom hoodies for my friends and fam. Just before graduation I built a website for peeps to customize online with the hopes of turning my hobby into something bigger. After a few years working in Architecture in Sydney and hustling hoodies and pocket tees on the side, I moved to LA in 2008 to found Apliiq. Since then we've been grinding away, building our technology experience and mastering custom apparel manufacturing. Los Angeles is the best city for what we do as there's so many production and material resources within blocks of our studio and we have an amazing tech team blasting out new features. I also have the pleasure of speaking a lil Español every day with my team. Thanks for providing such an awesome platform Erik and major congrats on building this community!
Ethan Lipsitz
Hey there Product Hunt! Why are all custom t shirts the same boring printed tee after the next? Apliiq is here to change that. Combine fabric and print to build t shirts that stand out and your crew will love. We focus on quality and creativity by providing hundreds of fabrics to choose as your pocket, cuff or sleeve. Then brand it with your logo or graphic as a print or embroidered patches. Check out the site, create something amazing and please let us know what you think!
Jason Shah
Ha! Nice. Love a more original spin on printed tees. Kind of ironic that fashion is otherwise very 'creative' but when we resort to custom swag, we're pretty blah about it.
Ethan Lipsitz
Totally @jasonyogeshshah - we're working to bridge the gap between 'fashion' and 'custom' - why can't custom apparel sites be more creative? Glad you're into it Jason!
Jonathan Ma
This is awesome! I love the pocket addition!
adam mashaal
Congrats! Love the new customization options. Been following you guys for a while (I'm good friends with @daveandethan). Good luck guys!
Ethan Lipsitz
Amazing! @daveandethan are OG Apliiq fam:
@adammash - Thanks for the kind words and the vote!
Jesse Genet
Woot, love this stuff.
Ethan Lipsitz
This stuff loves you too! @jessegenet
Ethan Lipsitz
This stuff loves you too! @jessegenet