Jack Smith

API List - A collective list of APIs. Build something.


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Hi Product hunt! ApiList.fun was started mainly because every side project I develop or I see started involves some kind of external API so I thought it would be helpful to have a list of all the apis available and have filters to maybe get ideas for new projects by exploring unknown apis.... the site is far from being done since I have to add 1000s of new apis but hopefully will get there, I am planning also to add a ton of filters kind of like @levelsio nomadlist but for apis. Please provide any feedback you have, it will be really helpful. cheers
@levelsio @adamhodara how is this different from the API marketplace that RapidAPI acquired recently?
Hi @orliesaurus thanks for the comment. We are completely different than Mashape, they are a service company that offer solutions to interact with different apis (I believe because I can't even understand what they really do), we are just a simple directory that will hopefully have all the apis in the world
Tekeste Kidanu
@adamhodara Checkout this Github repo for more list of public APIs https://github.com/toddmotto/pub...
@iamtekeste thanks for the link, I will contact the author of the repo to see if i can collaborate with him in some way
Gordon Wintrob
@adamhodara @orliesaurus I was also thinking this was similar to Rapid (I interviewed them recently here: https://getputpost.co/rapids-mar...). One suggestion-- can you organize the APIs around specific use cases? I'd like to be able to search by "email" and find all the related APIs.
What an excellent product. I never knew there was an api for gmail. Makes me think that I can use a standard gmail account for transactional emails in my app and be done with paying for MailGun.
@angus_halen I think you could but they do have a daily limit of sending emails I believe its 1000 per day :)
Tyler James Leonhardt
I've used this in the past : https://www.programmableweb.com/... But your UI is cleaner :) +1'd
@tyler_james_leonhardt thanks, trying to make it cleaner and also add additional data and filters that programmableweb doesn't offer
I forgot to mention, anyone who wants to contribute to the Api List can do it here in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh...
Andrew F. Turner
This is a godsend for us developers!
@andrewfturnerjr Will try to keep adding data!
Taha Maddam, CFA
700+ up votes for an API catalogue for 160 services? What am I missing here #confused
Saul Fleischman
@tahatayyab Because people don't know Programmable Web, Mashape, Apiary...
Jacques Fu
Salesforce has a REST API my god why would you list the SOAP version lol
Arnaud Breton
Awesome, with the number of API out there these days, it's much needed and the UX is great. Good job!
@arnaud_breton thanks Arnaud :)
Vitold Sedyshev
Yet another catalog web site ... How many web site provide API list? How about Product Hunt area API? What new features and freshnest of it resource?