Mood based anime recommendation
Saksham Kushwaha

Animood — Mood based anime recommendation

Animood is a mood-based anime recommendation platform. Whether you're feeling happy, sad, excited, or anything in between, Animood has got you covered!
Saksham Kushwaha
One day, I was feeling particularly cheerful and decided to unwind with some anime. Typically, I'd choose something at random, preferring to avoid spoilers and dive into new stories blind. However, on this occasion, my pick didn't align with my upbeat mood, leaving me feeling disconnected from the storyline. Disheartened, I set the series aside for another time. After few months, I revisited the same anime and found myself surprisingly captivated. It dawned on me that my mood was the missing piece of the puzzle, influencing my perception of the show. Curious if others had similar experiences, I scoured the internet for platforms that recommend anime based on mood, only to find which only recommends movie based on mood. So I took it in my hands and made Animood.