Harry Stebbings

Angel Insights - Paul Townsend, Managing Director @ Vitesse PSP - Making Angel Fintech Investments with Paul Townsend

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Harry Stebbings
In Today's Episode You Will Learn: 1.) How did Paul make his entry into the world of angel investing? 2.) With such strong experience in banking, how does Paul view the seed stage Fintech environment? 3.) What are Paul’s thoughts on bitcoin and why are banks so skeptical to it’s mass adoption? 4.) With extensive experience in the mobile payments space, where does Paul see room for innovation in mobile payments? Is it a monopoly market with the likes of Square and Izettle? 5.) Paul is also an LP to MMC Ventures, so why are institutional investors in the UK more skeptical to fund allocation towards VC, than say the states? What can be done to improve this distortion? 6.) Paul reveals some war stories from his past investments and how they have altered his strategy to investing? Items Mentioned In Today's Episode: FlyPay (flypay.it) , MMC Ventures(www.mmcventures.com), Veridu(veridu.com), Kwanji (kwanji.com), Gousto (www.gousto.co.uk) If you enjoyed the show today please do share the episode on Twitter by simply clicking this link: ctt.ec/gYXb1
tom britton
Wise words from Paul, summarised as "When investing outside of my sector I invest with others who can validate the business models that I couldn't do on my own".
David Milberg
Awesome video! Well done.