Android Wear
Google's smart watch technology
Chris Messina

Android Studio 2.0 — The official IDE for Android application development

Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Lots of interesting changes in this release, especially speed improvements and Instant Run: Instant Run lets developers build and deploy their apps once (both to the emulator or to a physical device) and then as they change their code and deploy it, it’ll only take a second or two before they can see those changes in the running app.
Tim Nuwin
Very cool, and good job to all who were involved in this release! The emulator is noticeably faster :) Will it ever be possible to run the simulator without having to kill my docker instances? Can you guys bake in some sort of virtual sub-folder grouping for layouts + drawables + other resources, similar to xcode?
Michael Carrano
@nuwin_tim using Gradle you can organize your resources into which ever folder structure you want. Just need to define the source sets.
Hosmel Quintana
I love instant run 😍
Petr Filipchyk
much needed new version..exciting