Amy’s AI-powered Chrome Extension saves you days of research by providing you with information from across the web and actionable insights about every person you meet with, helping you personalize and ace all of your meetings!
Nice product and brand!
I love the combo of live meetings for getting to know people and async messaging for those in between conversations.
For those looking to pair live meetings with an async option, I’d humbly invite you to check out ZipMessage (also on Product Hunt today ;)
Hope today’s launch goes well for you guys!
I've been fortunate to use Amy for the past month or so in early access.
Amy provides very valuable preparation for first-time meetings and update prep for long-time contact meetings as well.
I've been impressed with the pace of improvements the team has been making, driven by their active solicitation of feedback and clear passion for user delight.
Best of continued success to you Nimrod, Rennen, Lior, and team!
This has been my secret weapon for a few months now being a pilot user :) I guess I'm lucky to have my office in the same floor as the founding team. Saves a lot of prep time and makes me way more professional! Highly recommended!
@lior_galante_cohen Congrats on the launch. I know lots of hard works goes into having a successful one. I know I spend lots of time researching people aka "stalking" them. Either for my own startup on for my podcast or for when other people reach out to me. This is going to be a great time saver for me.