
Amazon LightSail - AWS -VPS starting at $5/month


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Hugo Romano
Trying to challenge Digital Ocean.
Mario Scott
@adaptive Is Digital Ocean on deathwatch?
Pete Heslop
Interesting, I wonder from a technical point of view how this is different from EC2?
Vivek Sancheti
Few points I feel AWS should improve on if they wish to compete with DO: 1 - Add hourly plans 2 - Add flexi feature, so users can upgrade or downgrade their servers as per need (this is what AWS is famous for, auto scaling) (I couldn't find that feature any where on their page) 3 - More bigger plans (yes they have them in EC2 but bandwidth cost of EC2 is sky high) 4 - Fixed price guarantee. (As like other AWS services this one also has various clumsy things which can lead to heavy billing)
Freak so
but still their uptime is 99.95% AMAZON EC2 UPTIME SLA Here is the link :