Yehoshua Zlotogorski

14 Day PM! - Learn the fundamentals of product management in 14 days!

14 Day PM is a cohort based course of product management fundamentals. Instead of learning passively, you'll put your learnings into practice by conceptualizing, building and sharing your product journey for 14 days with a community of product managers.

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Yehoshua Zlotogorski
Hi PH! I'm sure you know - Starting out in product management is hard. There's lots you need to know and even more you need to practice and apply hands on. Without building and getting real feedback, what starts off as a great learning experience quickly becomes just another course to 'tick off' and you're back to square one. But that's because you haven't put the process in place to advance as a PM. You need a community you can rely on, a curriculum that walks you through your product and a network that can promote your work. That's exactly what 14 day PM is about. You join a community of product managers with the same goal as you: learn the basics, improve your product skills and apply them, while getting real feedback and sharing your learnings. This creates the framework for success you've been missing. At Alpe Audio we think deeply about learning that fits our lifestyle - learning that's as high quality as the best course but as convenient as a podcast. That's exactly what 14 Day PM is about! Would love to hear your feedback and partake in our first cohort (limited to 30)!