Tage Leander Hansen

AINIRO Oracle - AI Search "Engine" - Almost like Bing AI, only it's up and running

I spent a couple of hours today and yesterday and created AINIRO Oracle, the Cut The Crap Search Engine. Warning, this is not a search engine, it's a "question/answer machine". Displaying pictures, markdown, sources and it's powered by OpenAI!

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Tage Leander Hansen
We saw that Bing closed down their AI Search, and we couldn't help but create something "sorta" the same. We're thrilled to announce that we are releasing AINIRO Oracle - The "Cut The Cr*p Search Engine"! We're tired of going through 15 blogs, and poorly structured websites to get to the point, so we make a DuckDuckGo search, and scrape the top 5 results to then feed OpenAI's ChatGPT. This way you'll never have to click an ad, or read through a million pages of cr*p to find what you need. And the best part? It also displays images and sources! Hallelujah! IMPORTANT NOTE: Each question asked is also providing us with a unique backlink to trigger SEO better. Already we've seen success in very short time with this.