This Danish headphone company has made their set of headphones entirely modular, so you can customize a number of aspects; including what cable comes with it; how thick the earpads are; and even what speaker units are included (allowing different types of sound). There are 360 possible different combinations.
@_jacksmith literally yesterday I tweeted asking for recommendations on headphones... I just don't know where to start!
Would love to build my own... but want them to be awesome too obvs
@bentossell@_jacksmith I just ordered a pair of these the other day. After putting in the research AIAIAI jump out as leaders for upper end but still affordable quality headphones. You can completely customise or take one of their genre preset configurations like i did!
@_jacksmith I love the concept, and the design looks great... It's just that for the hype and price, I hoped for something really impressive and felt let down. That said, if anyone wants to buy mine, let me know! 😁
Got a pair of those (my configuration: S03-H03-E02-C01) and they are truly the best. Super durable, nice material & design (kudos on the box), great sound quality and the modular part is definitely a plus.
Seems like modular devices are the future.
But will the consumers be able to buy new pieces, for example just new "Speaker Units" etc?
That's why products like the Phonebooks is such a great idea: You don't have to buy a new phone every time you need to upgrade just one function of the phone - the camera for example.
Will the consumers be able to buy new parts to their headphones when they just want to make some small configurations?
I can at least say that the best / strongest AUX cable I ever owned was made by these guys. They use really high quality materials, from what I've seen. I'm definitely interested in dropping my beats in the trash.
@httpete@the_jozen_one they sound mediocre and aren't very noise canceling. Compared them to my brothers beats (which themselves are not known for being great sounding)
I own two pairs of AIAIAI headphones and I love them. The modular aspect is awesome. They just launched a Bluetooth component on kickstarter which I'm getting - and can add to my existing headphones. Very cool.
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