"The Ito bot adds voice and video features, including person-to-person calling, multi-party conferencing, call recording, voice to text transcription, and voice analytics to text messaging platforms. Users give Ito commands via a simple chat-based interface."
/ito @johnyaya — Ito will call you and Slack user “johnyaya” and connect both of you.
/ito @johnyaya@johnwhorfin — Ito will call you, Slack users “johnyaya” and “john whorfin”, and connect everyone.
/ito @johnyaya@johnwhorfin@johnparker — Ito calls and connects you, “johnyaya”, “johnwhorfin”, and “john parker”.
/ito all — Ito would call and connect all of the Slack users in the Slack Channel or Private Group you type the command into.
/ito @johnyaya 14085551212 — Ito will call and connect @johnyaya and the phone at 14085551212
/ito 14085551212 +14075551212 1-415-555-1212 — Ito will call and connect you with these three phone numbers.
/ito sip:johnyaya@yoyodyne.com — Ito will connect you and John Yaya at John’s SIP address.