Thank for the hunt, Chris!
We developed the Slack app to help teams and communities make team member introductions seamless, make it easier for team members to learn about each other, and help them create valuable connections
Once the app is installed, team members can create or connect their pages with the /aboutme command. Pages are then shared in the newly created #aboutus channel.
The app automatically creates the #aboutus channel as a home for the team's pages. This is the 'visual team directory' we're talking about. It makes it easy for new (and old!) team members to see who's who and send them a message right from their shared page. With the #aboutus channel, you can see who else might be interested in design, or who also happens to live in your same city. We hope that the app can be helpful for large Slack communities or remote teams and fostering a strong sense of community.
You can also use the app to search for anyone in the team to learn about them.
Can't wait to hear feedback from the Product Hunt community! Happy to answer any questions. 👍 🎉
Thanks Chris! This is one of my favorite use cases for externalizing links to my page. Slack is the app many of use non stop to interact with our teams as well as distinct Slack communities, so seeing more context on people is really empowering.
@passingnotes thanks David. Context is super important, especially in Slack communities where people have a shared topic of interest but little context on the people they share topics of interest. This is a really simple idea but beautifully executed by the team.
Particularly useful for bigger organizations.
Aside: We've talked about some version of this within the Product Hunt community. How can we make people feel welcome and properly "introduced" when joining for the first time. Very different context but this integration is a good example of how this could be done, at least within Slack.
This is a great way to bring into the world of conversational software — great for casual interest groups using Slack, as well as growing teams! Love this use case, given how sparse the Slack user profile is. happens to also be one of the easiest ways to get a simple page profile that's all about you. This integration into Slack is particularly useful for Slack communities, growing remote teams and also large companies. There's no better way to start getting to know people on your team especially when you don't have much face-to-face time.
HipChat coming? For non profits, Slack is out of reach with only 10 integrations on free tier. HipChat on the other hand has unlimited integrations on HipChat free tier. Moving over to HipChat and wish there where more integrations for the tech crowd.
So is each person's information pulling from their public profile, or does this plugin allow each Slack user to have a company/internal-focused profile that's not publicly available?
So awesome to see that 200+ teams have installed our Slack app! We're excited to keep making it better for all of you and thank you for checking it out 😽
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