
2024 Reading Plan:Toolkit&Knowledge-Hub - Daily Insight+Weekly Plan:Easy&Fruitful 366-Day Reads in '24


2024's ultimate template for a 366-day reading streak!Curated 200+ articles from great minds across 9 areas,enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Highly recommended for makers,entrepreneurs. Free: https://sa.readbay.ai/t/3eo

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🚀 Hey Product Hunters! I'm really excited to share My NotionTemplate with you — your compass to a transformative 366-day reading journey for daily growth in 2024! Click“Start with this template" and feel free to use it: 2024 Read-Plan-Track: Your Toolkit & Knowledge-Hub 📚My Read Journey: Struggling with consistency, I used to abandon my reading habit midway. Through trial and error, I found methods that fueled a 300-day Reading Streak in 2023. Over this period, I explored articles on career, self-awareness, and habit-building, rediscovering focus and tranquility once lost to short videos. Now, these techniques are condensed into a Notion template. May it support your journey too. 📌 Secret 1: Quality Over Quantity “You are what you read.” In a world of limited time, it's essential to read content that's truly worth our while. This year I've curated a knowledge base from 200+ articles from great Minds across 8 areas. And this is ideal for Employees and Students who: ● Seek to Foster Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving SkillsValue Personal Growth, Refuse to Limit Themselves Especially Recommended For Makers, Product Hunters, and Entrepreneurs (I'm still reading and curating. Follow me for updates. ❤️) 📌 Secret 2: One Page A Day, 7-Day Cycles Previously, my "to read" list kept growing, and articles saved in "read-it-later" apps often remained "read-it-never". I aim to minimize the difficulty of reading as much as possible. To achieve this, I've developed a tool that automatically schedules one article for me to read each day, tricking my brain into finding reading effortless. A 7-day cycle — the minimum habit-forming period, makes these micro-habits sweeten the deal for a long-term reading habit. Effortlessly track your reading journey. 📌 Secret 3: Notion Template Integration Tracking progress keeps me motivated. Having had my fill of the hassle of manual tracking, I insisted my template must have automatic tracking to save time and energy. Streamline your daily routine,auto-sync with Notion, and organize your knowledge system. Click“Start with this template".Give it a try! 2024 Read-Plan-Track: Your Toolkit & Knowledge-Hub
Congrats on the launch!Best of luck today!🥳
Linda Davis
I've been trying to find ways or tools to cultivate reading habits, and the "read-it-later" turning into "read-it-never" is just like me. I love the concept of your product, I'll definitely give it a try.
Alice Yu
🥳 Congrats on the launch, Ouyang! I guess I can consider myself an early adopter of Readbay, haha. It's been thrilling to witness its evolution from its initial stages (reading + tracking) to a more enriched platform that fosters reading habits Turning to the newly released reading plan, I'm eager to hear more about the behind-the-scenes stories: how you selected the articles, the concept behind "rainbow" (which I absolutely adore for its beauty and depth), and any future plans for expansion. For instance, could there be a feature where I upload a book and your framework helps me generate a tailored reading plan?
Launching soon!
It looks cool!
Daniel Chen
Congrats the Launch! It's an interesting product, sounds very helpful. Can't wait to try it by myself.
Delia Wu
Such an inspiring product. Will definitely give it a try
haojun cai
Congratulations on the launch! This looks like an intriguing product. I'm excited to delve deeper and see what it has to offer.